Pimp My Pro- Mods and Addons

I just finished the assembly of my Pro and thought I would share a few modifications that I made.
I wanted to build something to act as a shelf with casters but I didn’t want to disrupt the stock unit. Wanting to maintain the ability to adjust the leveling feet and have the freedom to easily move the table around. So, I built this platform with casters that the table stock table sits on. This way, I’m free to level the table anytime without hassle, have my storage shelf, roll it anywhere I need, and take it off if the need arrises.


Here are a few more pics.

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And here is my drain hack. I don’t know how this one is going to workout, seems like a good idea. We shall see.

IMG_0871 IMG_0872


I would love to see your Mods, hacks, or add-ons. Please post them!

Very nice! On the leveling feet - do they level to the floor or the shelf mount only? I’m trying to sort out something similar - but am still working on it. Here’s a link to a post I made about a method I was thinking about…

Table shelf system looks great!

The pads on the cart are a couple inches off the ground. So the table levels on the cart.

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They make casters with built in levelers that serve the same purpose to what you are designing. Somewhere on this forum, I have seen a thread discussing it. No modifications, just screw them in.

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Yeah - I’ve looked at them, but I don’t think they’ll work very well for me - more for smooth concrete. Driveway issues :slight_smile:

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Clever. Nice workmanship.

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Wow! Really like the shelf with caster idea…you mind sharing where you got the casters?

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Ordered the casters from Amazon prime for $26.


I love the shelf. I have been wanting to do the same thing. What size of metal did you use for the frame?

2x2x.125 Sq tube for the frame. 1x1x.125 Sq tube for the inner shelf supports. 3x3x.25 Angle for the leg holsters. 3/4" flat expanded metal for the shelf.


Nice Job! Gave me great ideas. If your looking at others, here’s what I’ve added so far…

Cable drag chains to keep the profile down and protect the wiring.
Next will be some sort of guard for the right side lead screw. It’s kinda out there waiting to get bent…:thinking:


Yes! I have seen your thread on this. Very cool, I had been mind engineering a similar idea at least on the Z axis. I ordered the drag chain yesterday. I’m not crazy about those motor cables hanging out with the torch lead either. Thanks for sharing!


Where’d you attach the chain runs?

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I posted detailed build pics on my FB Page for those interested in the chain build. Info in the comments. Here’s the link…

Uh, oh! …here I go spending money again! :grinning:
Very Nice sir!


Here is my take on the X axis drag chain. I went much simpler than most. Picked up a piece of aluminum
U channel and wire wrap sleeving from McMaster, Used a hook magnet bases and fitted them with 1/4x20 coupling nuts, and drag chain from Amazon. The channel has drain holes and is pitched for runoff. I have only run dry run. It acts like it will work without issues.


Looks great! Are you going to have the Plasma cord in the chain as well or will it not fit?