What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

Finishing up this project. New headache rack for a self loading log truck. The columns are 2"x 79" tall with 3"x3’x.25" tubing running laterally. Had to cut the columns in 3 index programs and added new stations plates to the crossfire pro so I could cut wire chases in the 3x3 tubing. Customers name in the middle. very fun project and looks like I willll be getting to do another one in the next year.


Below is link to where I talked on the stud welder and how I use it. Scroll down to see how i design many of them even and line up letters when possible. Hard to find any videos about this stuff. Mine is Midwest but a few other brands are nice also. not cheap but really do make clean signs. I suggest watching for good used one because there really expensive. Let me know if you need anything else.


That’s to much car for a 16 year old.

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I used to see that all the time when I was volunteering on the ambulance. Any kid (no matter how old so that includes dads) getting that kind of power will open it up. The only difference between dads and 16 year olds is dad knows to only do it a time or two and not where it’s crowded. The kid will do it in all sorts of bad places. Used to scrape them off the road all the time.

One of my favorites (:man_shrugging: ) was a mom who bought her son a Suzuki Huyabusa (for the uninitiated it’s on & off the list of “fastest production motorcycle” depending on year - the turbo has the fastest standing 1/4 mi at 200+ mph if I recall correctly). She said he would be responsible (despite having had a history of minor drug and drinking issues) because he promised if she got the bike for him he’d be so careful. After his crash, his mom was adamant about helmets doing no good because his had “come off” in the crash. Actually he had taken it off at the end of the street and he was showing his buds how fast his bike could go. Sometimes stupid is reverse hereditary - mom couldn’t see the train wreck coming even though everyone around her could.


Thanks for doing that! I’m sure that takes a toll mentally and emotionally. I am a volunteer ski patroller and thankfully have only been on duty for a handful of serious injuries and 1 death. A 16-year-old girl who hit a tree. It was devastating seeing her parents. Took a while for me to get over it and I seriously thought about hanging it up. I can’t imagine seeing that type of thing on a regular basis. We owe a serious debt of gratitude to those of you who do that job, especially volunteers!!

Its pretty hard to ride careful when top speed in 1st gear is 79 mph. Fist time I rode one of those I was up to 130 mph before I knew it. Quickly got off and told myself I could never own one. I have never ridden another one, I don’t have the self-control to own/ride something like that. I stick with my cruiser… Almost sold it last fall after close call #3 having someone pull out in front of me.


You do have to learn to disconnect a little from it all. But you can’t get so that you’re jaded instead. Little kids are the hardest for me. They often try to be tough and you know that it’s got to be hurting worse than anything but they’re just holding it in. And then you get the soccer mom who bangs her knee against the padded dash and is screaming bloody murder :roll_eyes:

Yeah - one of my bikes is a Honda CBR 600 (‘98 Smokin’ Joe) that clocked a 3 sec 0-60 and 124mph 1/4 mile. It’s my “hooligan bike”. Mostly I just like looking at it :smiley: If I twist the throttle on it like I do on my BMW RT I end up doing a wheelie before I hit the end of the driveway. So it doesn’t get much action.

The beemers are more my style - quiet, smooth and refined long-distance mounts. But it’s getting harder to swing the leg over the saddle on the RT. The C is their first cruiser variant so that’s another garage queen :laughing: And I’m working on an '86 KZ650 restoration. Keeps me busy so I don’t hurt myself.

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Anyone have any cool signs or items for Jeep Wrangler JK not posted on file share? I’m going start making a few but figured someone might already have some cool stuff they wouldn’t mind sharing.

My new weekend trail machine. Heading to Rocks and Valleys for fathers day weekend! I won’t be climbing rocks but fun to watch others.


When are you going to finish putting the drivetrain in your other one:


I need to go make a 2 door version of this wrangler.

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I designed (last night) and cut an adapter for a T-25 turbo to the exhaust on my neighbors Mazda Miata.

I cut an 18 gauge trial part first, then two parts at 6mm thick each. Welded them together. Forgot to get a picture before he left with the two welded up. He was very happy.



I think this is my favorite color combo of your sign. That Chestnut brown Home Depot USED TO HAVE (darnit) is a cool color.


Mounting brackets for new pressure washer and hose reel.


I did this a few months ago but not sure if I ever posted the DXF for everyone. This is simple but one of my favorite signs to date. If others want to make it they can use 3M tape or something else to do the layers. Enjoy!

Happy Father’s Day

sinclair sign_.dxf (228.2 KB)


Hmmmm, well there’s an air show coming up so, made 5 of these for a Vet raffle.


Very cool nice work!

I am working on my Indiana colleges collection this evening. I’m not happy with this one yet. Just first rev. The beard needs work and the word “Irish” looks odd the way I stacked the letters. But, I did it the same as the word "Fighting. I think it’s just the "I"s that make it look mis-aligned.

This is their mascot:

Probably look okay after paint but I don’t have the right colors on hand. 18 gauge.


Couldn’t take it… too ugly. I painted it even if the color is wrong!


What parts were used between the box and the compressor, I am looking at doing the same, auto drain and all.

timer switch powers a 600v relay.

maintenance hour meter

auto drain is wired to the relay

fourth signal wire for meter goes to the motor

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I was thinking of trying to make it a smart controller, i assumed I needed the controller, and a contactor to get the power switched on and off at the compressor, and connect the drain wire to 120V of that.

I have a house full of Wyze smart home stuff. I considered one of their smart switches but in this use case I like being able to walk over and select a run time without my phone.