What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

I’m harmless and chemistry is not my strong point, nor high-energy physics. I do glow in the dark though.


Likely from all the attempts creating the philosopher’s Stone.

Phosphorus is a hell of a drug.


Funny story about “the mote” while I was there, an employee of a contractor working on a different job, somehow got between the two fences and took a leak on one of the cameras. The contractor was kicked off the site and permanently banned from working at LANL.

I did the demolition plan for SM-43. Lots of history in that building as well as I am sure you are aware. I have also been in the room where Louis Slotin irradiated himself with the Deamon core.


Classic, a pee to remember


holla2024 and Tin, Off topic but do you guys ever sleep? I was up at 4 and saw you guys were recently on. I guess if I have a question no matter what time it is someone will be there to help :grinning: :+1:
Thanks to all

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Not very much.


Well over a year later and way to many hours welding, grinding, a little bondo, fill primer and finally spray on bed liner to hide the little imperfections the Rot is done. Its going to sit in my oldest daughters house with a progression scrap book. This was one of my first cutting projects with my pro.



Absolutely fantastic. How many hours do you think you have in that dog? I love spraying bedliner. Your floor will be sticky for a week or so.

That really looks nice. Nice job

Thanks guys. I probably have close to 50 hrs in it but It took so long I am not 100% sure. I have a little trouble staying on task at times. I wish I would have kept track though.




That is super cool. Thanks for sharing.

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Very cool. @alwnasrock how challenging was it to adjust the sheet when cutting that big of a sign? Trying to think of ways to maximize my cut capacity buying an XR and or scrapping a full sheet because I miss aligned it for the second half of the cut :laughing: I’d love to hear your process.

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I have a piece of .25 ×2" flatbar attached to the side of my table that keeps the plate lined up in the center of my table. I made two cut files on fusion360. Once i cut the first file i slide the plate through far enough to accomidate the second file. I ran a couple of dry runs to home in on a good zero. Prayed for success etc. I was nervous for sure. It all worked out. it is actually pretty easy once you understand the setup.


The red dot in the upper left corner is the zero for the second cut file.


Awesome. Thanks for sharing. It looks great and I got a good chuckle out of “Prayed for success” I do this every time I load half a sheet…I had my ground in a bad spot once and the tram clipped it and moved the sheet a foot out of place turning it into junk.


I will post a picture of it once it gets installed at the store.


I do but not enough.


I made this for my 7 yr old’s room as a wall hangar. The two layers are separated by about an inch with bolts and it sits off the wall by about 3/8". Added LED lights to back and middle. I kept running into issues with the forehead bubbling up while painting, took it down to bare metal twice, wiped with alcohol, would be fine for primer and a couple layers of paint but then that one area would bubble up. Just ended up making it look like blaster damage and he was excited about it.