What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

It does have its limitations.


I need to invent a brass/bronze/aluminum magnet :thinking:


to Hell with that…I am going to build a gold magnet…yup…


You better watch out you may end up finding a lot of gold diggers too :rofl:


Skip the finding step and just turn lead into gold.


Please share how you generate the colors and what kind of metal this is.

Since you haven’t gotten a reply yet from Not Neil:

Flame painting is an intentional controlled heating of the metal with a torch to bring out a range of vibrant colors based on the temperatures reached.

The coloring will be different each time, depending on the temperatures reached, how the heat transfers through the metal as other areas are heated, and the composition of the metal itself.

That coloring also looks different depending on the lighting in which the creation is viewed.


Thanks @Wsidr1.
@jtcweb It’s just hot rolled 11 Ga with that got a Vinegar bath, sanded and heated with a torch.

Sure is fun but tedious.


Is there any finish on it to keep it from rusting?

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clear coat automotive spray


I want to be you when I grow up. Where did you get the file?

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Just a clear coat

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I bought the SVGs from etsy. They take a couple hours of editing in Fusion though, lots of incomplete loops and nodes you have to connect.


Been working on my particle accelerator idea for awhile now. If anyone wants to donate some electricity, I could give them a few nuclei of Au for their trouble?


I did the demolition plan and demolition oversight for Ernest Lawernce’s Bevatron at LBNL. One of my favorite projects! Such cool history, I think there were 3 Noble prizes awarded for research performed at the Bevatron. The Anti Proton was discovered there in 1955. I am excited to see what you come up with. :wink: :joy: @holla2040 Lots of lead Shielding hauled out of there… you would think it was gold. I do have some funny stories about it… not sure an open forum is the place for them. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


I have designed equipment for DOE at
DARHT - https://science-innovation.lanl.gov/science-facilities/darht/
NIF - The National Ignition Facility - The Atlantic
NTS - Nevada Test Site – Nuclear Museum
I grew up in Los Alamos, turning lead into gold - child’s play.


Would you be interested in adopting a hillbilly from Virginia. I know one that needs a good nest egg oh I mean home.:joy:

Los Alamos is a beautiful area! I enjoyed exploring the area in the evenings. Valles Caldera was one of my favs.

My very first project was at TA-55 at LANL. I was the field engineer for the demo of a storage facility. My boss, when he left back to Utah told me he felt like he was throwing me to the wolves. He gave me one piece of advice. If they ever ask you a question and you don’t know the answer don’t say I don’t know… say that is interesting… I will have to look into it… then come out and call me. It wasn’t easy to call as there are no personal electronics allowed on TA-55. And you have to be escorted with 4 others everywhere you go. Most of the time I answered my own questions… occasionally I had to go out and call… I usually did it on a lunch break. It was another of my favorite projects. It was a little unnerving to have armed guards everywhere and Armored vehicles with a roof gunner patrolling around the site.

I have had the pleasure to work at several DOE sits as well.
Oak Ridge (Tennesse)
Argonne (Chicago IL)
Idaho (Arco Idaho)
Sandia (New Mexico)
Los Alamos
Washington Hanford Site
LBNL Berkely CA
Lawrence Livermore (Livermore CA)

I haven’t been to NTS… but have sent allot of material there!


Craig, you are starting to scare me! :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging: :rofl:

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It wasn’t this way in the 70s. At some they moved the road, added the no-man’s land mote and all the armory. It sounds like you’ve lived a busy life.

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