What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

Had to remake the tines for the grapple bucket. First time for a tracing project. Traced on cardboard, took picture with reference sizes and completed in fusion with 1/2 steel. Worked great!


Great tool for people to learn with simple straight on picture and canvas feature in fusion.

@Wsidr1 This was on my list to finish up. I moved away from strings and decided to make it look like people were looking at the sunset. I seen someone already did city buildings so I made this up. I have to go back and fix the location of the tab since it casts a shadow from the light. i added these bend tabs with 1.5" standoffs so others could easily bend and at lights. I’ll take some pics of back also when i add to fileshare. Easy fix for me but I’ll fix on the design and add to fileshare in few minutes. It’s like 47" long so pretty big. I’m sure if you scale it down a little you could get 2 out of a 32" x 48" sheet on the PRO.

two bends around back of it. it should make more sense when i add pics
guitar bends for hanging


Guitar - Watching sunset | FireShare | Langmuir Systems

Added to fileshare…enjoy it and feel free to change it up. I had all kinds of ideas for the end of the guitar but many of them have been done already. I did people standing holding hands but decided to have this image with guy sitting. Could be rocks or other people next to him. I was ready to move to next project.


Very cool! Nice job Don!

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Simple stuff…Same guy keeps hitting me up for more work… This time, license plates… if he likes, he’ll want more made… Receiver hitch thingies too… Fun stuff… This is his company logo…

This is cut out of stainless and needs to be cleaned/polished/etc… The backer plate can be any color he wants…


Thats a great company design. When you do good work, you get asked for more. I played around with lighted hitching this winter. I learned you must get them powder coat or something that can survive the Michigan salted roads…lol


Super. That’s a great looking project!

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Actually finished my application last week, but thank you for thinking of me.

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Car show hood latch | FireShare | Langmuir Systems

Been saving this image for few months until I found just the right thing to put it on. I haven’t cut it yet but should work for most cars. It’s a car show hood prop. Just posted to fileshare

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Elk sign remix | FireShare | Langmuir Systems

I did a remix on older Elk sign on fileshare for friend that is giving it as gift to someone going to retire. She really wanted one with Bull elk and Cow elk. Not a lot to pick from that she liked on Etsy so she came to me. I added it to fileshare. I did personalize it but switched it back to a “Welcome” for others. This will be a great hanging sign for their cabin.


A couple of signs I made to donate for raffles. Not perfect but I’m sure someone will put in a ticket for them.
A thanks out to DogCreekCustoms on fileshare for the I plead the 2nd sign. Used his design.


Hey guys. Long time.

So, I actually cut these in the middle of all of the problems I was having with my machine (and yes the machine is “so far” still running good), so not “done today”, but today they finally sort of look like something, so I thought I’d share:

These are still a work in progress; I plan to add more ribbing detail on the sides, and then a channel along the back and bottom where everything will rivet together, and a wire-edge along the top surfaces. Lot of work…

Also, here is a video talking about the process of drawing the files, if anybody’s interested:


Awesome work Casey!!

Love the seat! Very impressed with how quickly you have learned Fusion!!

I am hoping to get to your level some day!


log brand customer needed. 3/8 plate then sharpened with die grinder


May I suggest “Learn Fusion 360 in 30 Days” by Product Design Online (YouTube). If you can find one hour a day for 30 days, you’ll know that program inside and out.


Thanks for the reference! I was going to ask what youtube channels you used.

I am currently working on doing a simple assembly (4 components that I am still designing) in Fusion… not nearly as complicated as your seat.

Did you do the pecks for marking the holes in Fusion?


I haven’t had much time lately for F360 or the cutting process. But, I have two signs for which I got the designs and initial cuts for completed today

The Reds sign is for a friend to give his son for his birthday. It will have a back plate and red LEDs.

Supposed to look like this sign, but he wanted it silver.

I had to modify the letters quite a bit to get close to the fonts. I guess they were one-offs because I couldn’t find matches.

This one is for an upcoming craft sale in my hometown. This sign is on an archway over Main Street.

I’ve got some short arch pieces designed but not cut. Going to use scrap instead of having them part of sign as that would have ballooned it out considerably.

Angle of pic is bad, but letters are positioned correctly.


Got to have some fun with the Oxy torch on this one. Memorial for our friend. I even hand made the rivets out of 1/8 tig wire.


Throwing up some ideas I took pictures of at a place in Sedona, AZ.