Thanks @Phillipw. I’m certainly curious. I’ve been out of town the past few days trying to make some money, but I’ve got a list of stuff to try as soon as I’m back. I’m basically starting with the free stuff, and working my way up to spending money. Gotta un-bond the neutral in my sub-panel, and make the ground return to the main panel per John’s recommendation (previous owner did it all wrong and my inspector didn’t catch it ), and then I’m moving the plasma further from the electronics enclosure and trying to do some better cable management. Last step will be installing 20.6, and I’ll be making cuts at each iteration to check my progress. I’ll consider a different laptop, I guess, if none of this works. And I’m going to try and make it all happen before next weekend.
I am so appreciative of your help, and of you trying to stick up for me here and there. I realize I’ve been a little pissy since FireControl locked up and broke my table, but some of the remarks on here have been down-right condescending, and anything but helpful.
I’m not trying to shirk my own responsibility here; I obviously didn’t research this thing as well as I should have, but I did a LOT of research. And unfortunately, I took to the Facebook “Support Group” before I really took to the forum, and, as I said earlier, this laptop Christmas deal was actually recommended by several of the users on there, and since it was “a brand new computer” I just didn’t question whether or not it would work. That’s just my own inexperience coming through; the last time I bought a new computer from a reputable source, it was more or less impossible to buy something that was already outdated, but I guess the technology was moving even faster back then…
Anyway, thank you for everything! You, @ds690, @DnKFab, @mechanic416, @Bigdaddy2166, @ChelanJim, and @72Pony have all been IMMENSELY HELPFUL! And @TinWhisperer has been really helpful too, but his bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired. Sorry not sorry. I’m also sure I’m forgetting people, and I apologize.
I’m going to make one final run at the this thing before I throw in the towel.