Pro Table Build Pics

For this application I’d consider mine medium effort. I can grab either weldment with two fingers and pull it across… seems like it should be a bit lighter but not really sure.

We’re probably in the same ballpark. Run it

Some resistance is perfectly fine for the carriages. The motors have pretty good power and the lead screws offer decent mechanical advantage.

Run it and if it skips steps, you’ll know it.

Thanks guys for the feedback. On to the electronics

There’s bearings on all 4 sides of the tube and that dent is right in a tracking area.

I responded to you via email, but yes as others have said that ding is in a bad spot. We will get a new one shipped out to you tomorrow.

Breaking the fourth wall a bit, but I would love to be a fly on the wall in a UPS sorting facility to see how a sizeable dent in a .093 wall steel tube happens.


started working on the water pump system this weekend.
cut out 4 connection plates on the new table to make the lower shelf removable, and i didnt want to weld to the table also.
Used 1/4-20 Riv Nuts, set into the frame legs. rack bolts right up.

frame legs with Riv Nuts

also got rid of the brass drain fittings since they never fully drain and they are too small. I got a 1"NPT nipple, 3" long and cut it in half to make two drain ports.
tried welding them on, but TIG welding is way too bright for my welding hoods that have been sitting in my garage for too long without being used and now they are wont darken. MIG welding the frame, no problem, little squint, not too bright.
will have them welded up tomorrow after i bring my hood home from work.


Have a material cut list for that shelf? Dxf for the plates?

Thanks langmuir-daniel! You guys are awesome!

I just want to know, did anyone else think the laptop stand hardware was a joke. I could not get 1 bolt started in those lock nuts. I tried forcing it thinking the threading wasn’t complete on a nut at the start of one and the screw broke in half.

This made me more upset than a part being wrong.

No, it’s just a 2x4 plate with two .30 holes in it.

Cut list is 2 main rails with 5 spanning rails. 1"x2" x .083 tubing.

I like that touch screen monitor, better than dealing with a mouse. Does that monitor have to be used with a specific computer?

It’s a Lenovo Tiny-in-one touch screen monitor. And a Lenovo tiny pc slides into the back of it. So far it’s been great.

Umm yep I can see that :grin:. Hoping for the lengths of the pieces, for those of us who haven’t received our tables, so we can fab up a shelf while we wait.

Very impressed with the first “out of the box” cuts! THC working well, only problem I had was the torch staying lit after the program completed. Added an M5 after the last cut and that seemed to help.


The main rails were 58 something,
The spanning railes were 26 something.

But you’re not going to want to do any fab until your unit is built and squared. There’s too much variance in the frames. Otherwise you’re pissing in the wind.

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The dell computer I bought from BestBuy is a touch screen. 15” with 8gb ram and 256hd . Honestly didn’t know that for months until I was trying to point out something to my wife.

Touch screens are cool. But not practical. You cannot design with them. Maybe small commands here and there it’s great but overall a mouse is better

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Thanks you are probably right I should wait, but at least knowing the approximate lengths I can figure out how much I’ll need and at least have it on hand.

But might work well to just run the machine. Wouldn’t need space for a mouse just poke at the screen. The abrasive enviornment might be tough on the screen.

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i bought a 20ft stick and had some scrap for one more spanning tube lying around. so you need about 23 ft or so.

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