langmuir-danielCrossFire PRO
We plan to ship the CrossFire PRO in three boxes. There is a chance that we may try to ship it in two, but most likely it will be three. Below is a summary of each:
Box 1
This box will contain all of the tubes, slats, slat holders, cable support tube, lead screws. etc. It will weigh roughly 140 pounds. Dimensions are roughly 12" x 64" and 4" tall.
Box 2
This box will contain the hardware sub box, electronics box, motor sub box, and Z-Axis sub box. It will weigh roughly 50 pounds. Dimensions TBD.
Box 3
This box will contain the water table half sections and the the table frame gussets. It will weigh roughly 40 pounds and the dimensions are roughly 36" x 26" and 4" tall.
Each add-on option will come in its own separate box. For example, if you ordered a plasma cutter, THC, and laptop stand, then you will receive 6 boxes total.
Let me know if you have any questions!