PRO Machine Torch Mount

Ordered, but dont think the ship with previous order thing worked? I put order number in, but it didn’t register anywhere I could see and charged shipping. I was assuming doing that you would just put the mount in one of the boxes for my pro order? Not an issue, just thought I’d point that out.

Edit: just for clarity - by asking for the previous order number, I made the connection that the new mount order would be included with table when it ships (in my case April), which also includes a torch mount in it’s shipping cost. But since shipping was charged for the new mount, that made me think the link to the table order didn’t work. I think it just needs a little clarity on the order page as to what’s going on there - again not a big deal, but if you charge the shipping, you may as well send it now - no need to wait.

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Same issue. Gave me a new order number that didn’t say anything about the previous order.

I just ordered the new machine torch mount for the Pro. I put my order # in to have it shipped with my Pro packages. There was no confirmation of it being package together so how can I confirm that? Thanks

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langmuir-danielCrossFire PRO

Oct '19

We plan to ship the CrossFire PRO in three boxes. There is a chance that we may try to ship it in two, but most likely it will be three. Below is a summary of each:

Box 1
This box will contain all of the tubes, slats, slat holders, cable support tube, lead screws. etc. It will weigh roughly 140 pounds. Dimensions are roughly 12" x 64" and 4" tall.

Box 2
This box will contain the hardware sub box, electronics box, motor sub box, and Z-Axis sub box. It will weigh roughly 50 pounds. Dimensions TBD.

Box 3
This box will contain the water table half sections and the the table frame gussets. It will weigh roughly 40 pounds and the dimensions are roughly 36" x 26" and 4" tall.

Each add-on option will come in its own separate box. For example, if you ordered a plasma cutter, THC, and laptop stand, then you will receive 6 boxes total.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Ordered mine earlier today. I saw the previous order # box but didn’t think anything of it. Wonder if it will be delayed since they are probably prioritizing orders that are linked to pro table orders

I had the same issue, no confirmation. Hopefully they can clarify it Monday.

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I did reach out to them thru email and the torch mount will be ship separately and several of weeks after box #2.

“Several weeks after box #2”.


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This is one item I wish was offered as an option rather than in addition to you order kinda thing. I don’t mind paying extra for a machine torch option but there are going to be lots of hand torch mounts removed right off that bat never to be used. Seems silly to have to not have the option to upgrade at the time of purchase.


Never know. May need it one day.

Agree with you. All the little add on $$$

My shipping label was printed, hopefully I will get it soon. In the mean time, I took my old torch mount and …


whats the reason for the new one then?


(More characters)


Kidding aside that looks great and if we haven’t shipped it yet we can refund you.

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That’s what she said but I need to sell the old Machine with a torch mount.

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Thanks for the offer

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Got my shipping notice yesterday - machine torch mount on the way! My first LS component!!! Woohoo! Hopefully won’t be lonely for long!

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Fit and finish is great. Don’t think i could have made it better.


Looks great thank you for sharing!

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