CrossFire PRO Shipping

We plan to ship the CrossFire PRO in three boxes. There is a chance that we may try to ship it in two, but most likely it will be three. Below is a summary of each:

Box 1
This box will contain all of the tubes, slats, slat holders, cable support tube, lead screws. etc. It will weigh roughly 140 pounds. Dimensions are roughly 12" x 64" and 4" tall.

Box 2
This box will contain the hardware sub box, electronics box, motor sub box, and Z-Axis sub box. It will weigh roughly 50 pounds. Dimensions TBD.

Box 3
This box will contain the water table half sections and the the table frame gussets. It will weigh roughly 40 pounds and the dimensions are roughly 36" x 26" and 4" tall.

Each add-on option will come in its own separate box. For example, if you ordered a plasma cutter, THC, and laptop stand, then you will receive 6 boxes total.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Woohoo. Gonna be like Christmas for sure! :grin:

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Any chance of shipping before January?

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It’s not likely that we will ship any before January.

Is that sentence missing a word?

Yes- lol. Unfortunately for batch 1 people, the missing word was ‘not’.

Ha! :weary:

I cringe every time I do that in text or email.

I was reading my emails (Pro shipping date) and found a discrepancy on Box 2 and Box 3 description. Please take a look at both images from the same email. This email contradicts it self. Can someone clarify this matter.

That was a typo. Box 3 contains the water table/gussets and Box 2 contains the Electronics, Assemblies, and Hardware.

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Surprised it took so long for someone else to find that :yum:

i noticed it, just didnt care enough to bring it up. table wont be complete until everything is in. so it is what it is.


thanks for the clarification.

I just got the notice that the first box shipped :slightly_smiling_face:


I should check my email sometime. Probably 500 emails to go through. Or more I cant remember the last time i checked it. The wife dominates the deliveries, rare i get anything besides bills.

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Laptop stand James? Are you keeping your original Crossfire and the Pro?

Yep, that’s the first box.

I’m probably going to sell the original - a friend is interested and a makerspace nearby has expressed an interest as well. I haven’t really tried marketing it, just a couple of people asking what I’m doing with the original one.

I made room for the Pro but not for both. If I kept the XL I’d have to disassemble it which is kind of pointless. At least this way someone else will get good use from it. I’ll probably break even on what I have in it which is a good deal - used it for a year for free :smile:

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Im thinking i should keep both. One at work for cold, hot ,wet, dry ,icey, or snowy days. Oh and incase I feel Ill and need to make something real bad. And one at home incase im not at work.

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so… is tomorrow still on the schedule for the first shipments?

i spent all weekend moving tools and a gun safe to house the new table.

Shipments already started last week. I have the first of my component packages on its way. Others have reported they’ve also received the shipping notices.

But in case you missed it, they’re spreading out the shipments through the beginning of Feb when the last of the component packages will be shipped to the initial buyers.

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whats the logic behind shipping the frame first, then a month later shipping the hardware? would you not want to ship the hardware with the frame so it could be assembled while waiting for the electronics and THC? or is the frame shipment not all of the frame components? i’m not bitching, i’m actually happy as i just got shipping notice for box 1, just trying to understand a little more.