Limit Switch Homing Kit for CrossFire and CrossFire PRO is COMING!

Why do you flip the drawing 180 and not just reset the origin?

Just posting here in hopes of getting to pre-buy! I have inherited a Crossfire Pro, and my background is in traditional CNC machining. I have sorely missed home switches for the repetitive multi-part nested jobs I have been running, it’ll be nice to set up a corner-locating fixture and KNOW that my sheet is set in the right place to maximize parts and ensure I don’t accidentally cut off the edge of my sheet!

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welcome to the forum.
we are all waiting for the switches to be posted…
I set my tent and chair up a while ago…and I am slowly running out of scotch…heheheh


Hold my place toolboy, I’m heading over to St Croix for more rum.

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great - Been using G54 for a long time machining , using it on the table will be nice. Also will be nice to have the machine return to home to clear the part

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Hey Reilly…got a question on the limit switch function…
I do not know a lot about the full function of “Homing” function…but on the way home will the torch rise to a certain preset level on the return…???
I ask this as my plasma has a post flow setting and it would be nice to have the torch head home to cool off above a small plate to prevent water splashing…

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When can I order? Current user price?

I second that function…be nice not to be blowing water everywhere.

Hate it when that happens. I always try and remember to set the parking option in sheetcam to stop in a uncut area of metal to cool.

Anybody got a video on it ?? I dont do Instagram and dont know how ??

Thank you so much for taking care of your existing customers. Good on you guys!

Cant wait!

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I’ve been running 20.6.2 since forever since it just worked. Upgraded to 21.1.5 this evening. Only issue is this old junk laptop can’t run Open GL3 so even with the compatibility version I don’t get the visualizer. So I guess I’m looking for a new(er) laptop. I assume Cut Control would have similar issues? Can I run Cut Control from the same machine? Need work upgrade SheetCAM too but I guess I’ll wait till I have the newer machine.

Because I load the machine from the front and the back is up against a wall. After these were cut, I cut the sheet off right where the skeleton ends and I have a clean edge to start the next run of parts on. Not all my parts end up nested like this, the “top” of my cut file usually looks like a mountain top. Cutting the sheet off afterwards gives me a “new” edge across the x axis for the next cut.


You should be able to add code to do this to your NC file at the end Basically send the torch to home (G0 y0 x0 z2.0) Should go home with the torch @ 2" high.

If you’re worried about clearing any possible tip ups raise the torch first
G0 Z2.0
G0 X0 Y0

Put this in your NC code before the M30 Command.

G0 Z1. <----Last command in program
G0 Z2.0
G0 X0 Y0



Depending on if it supports the G4 dwell command could also use as an example

G0 Z1.
G4 Pxxxx (time to pause in millisecond to park over last cut)
G0 Z2.
G0 X0Y0


So, I’m good with moving home. But is there ANY loss of cutting area? It’s already a very tight cut on the X axis.

Can anybody get the instagram video and put it on this post I dont do instagram ???

It might have been just an Instagram story that it has now expired.

I am also not on Insta and couldn’t see it either and I tried last week. Seems Langmuir would make it available here on their website…

There is not much to see. It’s like 20 seconds of the machine slowly moving toward the limit switches and stopping. The way Instagram works, you can’t just download the video. The only thing you can do is share the post and apparently you can’t see it if you don’t have an account.

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