Learning 3D printing

That IS really cool!

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Another new filament on the market. Teaching Tech did a comparison vid. Interesting stuff.


this has good print orientation tips


I didn’t like that warping of that PHA.

Neither did I, but there is always a way to counter it. ABS/ASA is horrible about warping on long stretches also.


Agreed about ABS. I have not done anything with ASA larger than about 4 inches diameter on the build plate so I haven’t noticed it yet. I do know it will, but so far it seems less than ABS.

And, I am sure the Brand makes a difference. The ASA I am using is FlashForge and so far I am impressed. ABS was primarily Sunlu.

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I had problems with printing ASA warping on larger spans. I turned the plate temperature to 195 C from 170 C, and the problem disappeared. I guess keeping it hot inside the enclosure is the secret.

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And slow cooldown.

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Happy wife!!! She gave me an assignment: “I need a way to display my bracelets at the craft show next weekend.”
I find this model in MakerWorld:

I create a simple base and reorient:

Added supports, perhaps more than I needed. 3 walls, 5 bottoms, 4 tops with 25% gyroid infill. I used GratKit PETG Transparent filament.

She is liking my new printer!!! Oh yes… :sweat_smile: :innocent:
Edit: 12.5 hours printing 0.02 layer height.


30 hrs later. Good job Jimmy :clap:

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Well done indeed.

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