I’ll be glad to cut it. I can probably get to it later tomorrow or Monday.
Man that would be awesome! Now… how do I share a file lol
Message sent for my email.
I just thought of an idea I’m going to try. I have been mounting the torch on the torch mount the same direction every time, so I’m going to rotate the torch 90 degrees, clamp it, and see if the angularity changes. If so, then they definitely lets me know there is a torch issue. Maybe manufacturer defect
When replying, there’s an upload button (on an Android phone it’s the lower right corner of the reply box). Brings up a dialog box so you can navigate to the file you want to upload. Here is a sample metal cut H-D wall art.
You can clearly see the torch is not square
To the material
Here are some pictures of how I measured my perpendicularity. I found that the red torch holder was pretty good out of the box, but my actual torch was not. I adjusted based off the torch nozzle and visually it looks better to me. I still have a little bit of bevel but not nearly as bad as you. I think mine is just cut parameter related.
Sending you a pm now
Be nice to see that shot with a block on each side so you could really evaluate the tip angularity.
Here is how I had my first plasma set years ago.
You should make an adapter like this to support the rest of the torch. In my opinion the cut45 torch is a little beefier than others and the weight of the cable could be pulling on it if it’s not strung up
That’s a good idea, I will probably end up making something like this. Thank you
This is exactly what I came onto the forum to ask about. OP did you ever get the problem resolved.
My setup is:
0.25" steel
Pattern is just a small 1" circle with a 1.25" square around it
I am getting a wedge shape parallel to the y-axis. X-axis cuts are true.
My gantry arm is parallel to the table within .01*.
I have tried different amp settings, different start heights and a variety of speeds.
I have tried to square the cutter to the table using a 1-2-3 block just like you but can’t seem to figure out how to adjust that portion on the machine. OP did you ever get this figured out?
Hi @ticclint, is your red aluminum torch mount not perpendicular to the table? You can check it using an aluminum square. See this thread for more info on how to adjust it: Torch square to table adjustments
@langmuir-daniel, I think you meant to link to this thread? Torch square to table adjustments
Ah yes, you are correct. Thanks for the correction. I’ll go back and update it.
I still have not got this issue figured out. Although I did a test today and sent it to Daniel and he confirmed this was not good. Basically I just put the torch in the torch holder, adjusted it all the way up and just turned the torch on thru Mach 3 and this is what I found. The second pic I turned the nozzle tip 180 deg from the first pic and the arc changed direction as you can see. So Daniel and I think it’s a bad nozzle. I hope it’s the issue, I’m just waiting on new tips to arrive
Wow, that’s crazy! You should send those pics to your plasma vendor. Glad you figured out that its the torch not the table. That explains a lot of the head scratching up above.
It has definitely been a headache, unfortunately since I ordered this machine in may, my torch warranty is out but if the new nozzles don’t fix this cutting issue I’m having I guess I will
Just have to buy another torch. But I will say this Daniel has gone above and beyond with trying to help resolve this issue that honestly isn’t their problem. I couldn’t ask for better customer service.
Thats a RazorWeld right? They actually told you they would not warranty a torch that is 3months old? I’m interested to know because I was considering buying their machine but not if they don’t stand by it…
It is a Razorweld 45, but in the warranty paperwork it does say that the torch comes with a 90 day warranty and the power unit has a 3 year. So it’s not like they are saying they will cover the torch longer, but it does kind of suck that it is only for 90 days. But hopefully in my case it’s just the nozzle and not the torch.