I am seeing the exact same thing on my end. I have tried clamping it parallel and perpendicular to the gantry tube. When I do that my wedge changes 90* as well.
I have some new tips on order, but I also further played around with the machine. No matter how I clamp the head it seems to shift when I clamp it down.
I will try the squaring exercise linked above, but I also purchased a mountable 1.25" ID shaft collar so I’ll try that as well.
My vendor of my 45 is Langmuir so if it is determined that the head is a problem do I go through Langmuir or contact Razor directly?
I’ve talked to a few others using the same plasma cutter and they too have the similar issue I am having. I know Langmuir said if you purchased thru them, to process issues with Razorweld thru Langmuir. Do you have any pics of how your pieces are coming out?
The torch itself is not the problem at all
There is a 90 warranty on the torch due them being easily abused and used as a hammer. This is standard for all manafacures. When you buy a welder the foot pedal, and torch do not carry the same warranty as the power source.
I have a razorcut45 ready to go with a hand torch and with a machine torch. As soon as my table arrives I will be happy to show how mine is setup and cutting straight.
Try clamping the torch down on the larger part of the gas diffuser.
I may have made some progress. While I wait for new tips to arrive I took the original tip and electrode. I used a pick to clear out the hole and make sure it was round on the tip. I then cleaned it and the electrode with some 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper. I loaded it back up in the machine and shot a few cuts on some scrap aluminum I had sitting around. The cuts came out much better than before. I did not have a chance to try my .25" steel, but I’ll give it a shot in a bit and report back.
I could see beforehand that it was spraying to one side. Other than cleaning it and doing the quick cuts I haven’t had a chance to do anything else as it was a busy day. As soon as I’m done on the lathe I’ll head back over to the plasma and see what I find.
Hey, I’m completely new to plasma cutting. Followed the video to set up my tool and the only difference is my steel is 1/4" so I turned to feed speed down and up’d the amperage. I am getting a straight cut to start and then it starts to cut at a 45 degree angle. I am using a brand new out of the box razorweld 45. Do you think my tip could be bad already?
I have an update from my end - Same thing as OneUpPerformance. New tips arrived today. Swapped out and it is SO much better. So far I am much happier and on to fine tuning.
I’m having the same problem. I have a feeling it’s the tips but could be wrong. Seems to be a common problem with the other Razorweld 45 owners. I have some new one on order and hope it will fix this.
That looks pretty good. You guys can’t honestly expect HD plasma, laser or water jet like cuts with little to no experience and especially without height control. Remember cut height is VERY important as is amperage and speed etc. There is a such a large combination that needs to be correct go get really great looking cuts.
I am having the same issues. I replaced the tip, check the angle of the gantry and still can’t get 3/16” plate to cut straight. Cutting at 40 ipm, 40 amps, 75 psi.