FireControl Freezing During Cutting & How to Fix it!

My Hypertherm Powermax 45 has a setting for that.

The cutter has auto restart and also latch modes. I’m tracking Firecontrol wanting to keep voltage at +/- 1.5v. If the THC is on it will sense pilot arc voltage in openings and transfer arc voltage when actually cutting. I was thinking this delta would have Firecontrol trying to adjust when it really didn’t need to.

I need to get the table to figure this mess out. How about loosen the OT purse strings, crack the whip or offer employee’s exciting vacation packages to exotic destinations to move them things out!:wink:

That’s interesting … my Miller 625ex has a feature for expanded metal that keeps the cut going…but it’s not adjustable on the plasma unit that I know of. I’ll have to experiment with some expanded metal and thc / ihs when I get my table in.

No possibility of the torch nozzle dropping between the strands? I am stuck thinking the nozzle could drop between the strands and IHS sets a false zero on the Z axis. Not doubting you… just must be missing something. The example above is 1 1/2" standard XM.

Pretty sure I had this issue today, but it only seems to affect the machine if the THC is enabled in FireControl.

Cutting along just fine, then THC powers the Z up until the torch is a ways above the material and just gouging the surface. Stopped the machine in FireControl, and the software froze. Re-zeroed after restarting FireControl and recut the whole program with the THC off, no problem, and no moving the cables.

Is this a symptom of the issue?

Problem, and the same height that the THC powered the torch up to, before I was able to stop the machine:

Point at which it froze:

If one of the Langmuir guys @langmuir-mike or @langmuir-daniel can confirm that this is a noise problem, and not something else, that would be awesome.

Hypertherm Powermax 45XP
45a, 48 or 50ipm (can’t remember)
0.25" mild steel
NC file: (7.8 KB)

Hi @moonshinefabworks we’re very confidant that what you are seeing is the noise problem that we’ve been discussing above. If you scroll up you can see my update to this thread today where we mentioned that as a precaution we are going to send out a snap-on ferrite choke to every CrossFire PRO owner that already has received their Box 2 so that they can solve this issue for good. We are going to start shipping these out early next week via USPS. In the meantime, the easiest way to prevent it for your setup is to move your plasma cutter away from the electronics enclosure as far as you can and also unloop any cables that you have including the work clamp and torch cable (loops in these cables can magnify the noise).


I know this doesn’t have anything to do with this category, but where did you get that rubber looking spark guard? And how long do they last.

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Badass! Thank you for confirming! That’s very generous of you and your company.


It’s just a collapsible silicone funnel, cut to fit the torch. Makes a big difference, and cost $2.50 with tax at ace hardware. No clue how long it’ll last, but it’s cheap enough I don’t really care!


Thanks a lot. I seen these on amazon pretty cheap for a qty of 4.

saw this on another forum. its a toilet water supply line metal cover

What did they do just slide it up and it stays in place.

cut the hole larger (I believe they come 1/2") so it fits snug and slide up

Will the snap-on chokes be sent in Box #2 for those who have yet to receive a shipping confirmation for Box #2 if those who have already received the final box will be getting a separate shipment of them?

@noboost4you If you received a Box#2 shipping notification today the choke is inside the USB cable bag. If you have already received the final Box#2 or had yours ship earlier this week but havent received it yet, we will be sending out a bubble mailer this week with your choke inside and installation instructions. Hope this helps!


I fall into the category of no shipping notification (#8922) and thus asked if a choke would be included in everyone’s Box #2 moving forward.

I will repeat myself once again… Awsome customer service as always.


You guys ROCK from a customer service perspective. The fact that you’d proactively send a fix to all customers instead of waiting for those that complain to notify you is a true testament to what we can expect from this fine company. I’ve been in the customer service business for nearly 30 years and always find it a joy to do business with companies that do what you do, HOW you do it! Thanks, Team Langmuir!!! You’re truly creating Raving Fans!


I’m having the same issue USB disconnecting what did you do to fix it?