Cutting table fluid.antifreeze?

Our Plasma Green 9010 does not contain any anti-freeze products, and will begin to freeze at 32 F. Plasma Green 9010 is formulated to not leave a film or deposit on cut parts or your table, and any added material (like an anti-freeze component) would risk leaving a deposit due to the increased solids in the product. However, we do have a tank side additive called Plasma Add AF, which is specifically intended to prevent freezing of your plasma table solution. We feel it’s a better approach, because you can add as little or as much as needed, will protect your solution to below 0 F, and most people only need it for a short period of time each year. Hope that helps!


As an added note, some people have used a car battery warmer for their tables with some success. Cost can be as low as $40 or so.

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Never gets below 70F in my shop Tin, can’t beat wood heat. I start a fire about mid-November it burns 24-7 till end of march.


Nice, I had wood, switched to a high -eff natural gas furnace mostly to free up floor space. I just got use to working in the cold over the years.

How many cord a year do you burn?

3-4 cord, I grew up on wood heat living in northern Idaho and Montana. If doors are left open no money loss or yelling at kids to close door hahaha.

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So I talked to Shaun at CFD (Cutting Fluids Direct) they make the Sterling cool product.

They were kind enough to email me over SDS/MSDS.

SterlingCool PlasmaCut SDS.pdf (177.3 KB)

And here’s the link to their sales/spec sheet

1645744162308_SterlingCool-PlasmaCut TDS.pdf (2.2 MB)

So on point with this topic Sterlingcool has no antifreeze agent in it.

They suggested using a livestock heater.

From the MSDS/SDS sheet here’s some of the chemical composition.

Ingredient name. %
Triethanolamine 10 - 15
Ethanolamine 1 - 5
n-Butylethanolamine 1 - 5
1,3,5-Triazine-1,3,5(2H,4H,6H)-triethanol 1 - 5
3,5,5-Trimethylhexanoic acid 3302-10-1. 1 - 5

I’m going to order up a pail and the next time I switch out my fluid I’m going to try it out.

He’s done nothing but state facts here and some pretty interesting ones as well. Nothing in any of his statements can be attributed as “fighting.” If you take the truth as being offensive that’s on you, but if this is in fact and “open and friendly discussion,” let’s allow it to be just that. If you bother to read the .pdf he posted about 9010 Green it states very clearly that they use propylene glycol in their products. Also, you posted a .pdf regarding a totally different kind of RV anti-freeze. He specifically stated “Supertech” from Walmart. Which is precisely what we’ve been using for almost 5 years now in our table and no one is dead or dying or sick yet. I’m 50 and have a clean bill of health. My son, who also operates the table with me is also doing just fine. No one is dying or sick. So I guess my point is that, great if some of you want to spend 300.00 everytime you change your table water, sobeit. But some of us would rather spend the extra 290.00 elsewhere and achieve the same goals/effect.

If you want the actual SDS for supertech here it is.

It’s a 30/70 mix instead of a 60/40 so a little bit weaker mix than the SDS that was linked above.

But it does added the compound Dipotassium phosphate likely for some pH balancing? I don’t know, chemistry something I need to study more in the future.

If you use the minus -50 version it seems to have a lot more chemical components to it.

Myself I’m currently using KCI plasma green 9010 seems to be doing the job fine , not very green anymore.

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I’m currently using the -50F version. a

Ingredients are:

Water (7732-15-5) Ethyl Alcohol (64-17-5) Propylene Glycol (57-56-6) Dye (2611-82-7) Dipotassium Phosphate (7758-11-4)

My table, I calculated to hold 15.6 gallons of water at it’s current height in my water table. I use 2 gallons of this stuff but never paid attention to the -50 version. Still, calculating the amount at roughly 13% by weight, mixed in with 16 gallons of water almost makes it negligent? What are your thoughts?

We use to use Sodium Nitrite (powder) until I read an article on it. It worked extremely well. In fact, we lost an adjustable wrench a few years back and found it once we cleaned out the table. The wrench was in better shape than it was before going in.

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You should see if you can find and post their current SDS sheet.

I found the one up above that was for -50° supertech, maybe it’s an older version. It’s from April 18th 2012.

@TinWhisperer I know I am a year late, but…I just started using sterling cool. Was trying to find out what is in it when I ran across your post here. It is interesting that it does not contain any antifreeze components. Today was the first day I used it and I swear my shop smells like I have had an antifreeze leak dripping on a hot manifold all day!! The smell is still in my sinuses. I hope I get used to it. I used 1.2 gallons to my crossfire pro table so I don’t think I made mixed it too strong but it def smells different from the borax I have been using for the first year of the tables use.

I run about a half gallon to my water system which holds about 12 gallons total with no corrosion or rust.

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I use it and have never noticed a smell, but I do have a exhaust fan. Mix is 1 gallon to 20 gallons of water.

Which sterling cool did you buy?? They make several versions for different applications

, did end up with the wrong part number??? Double check.

STERLINGCOOL-PLASMACUT is the correct product but they make 20 types of other cutting fluids that come in the same black pails.


This one is in a blue pail but the label identifies it as plasma cut. Its a bluish color.
also after cutting i have brown foam.

Mine came in a black pail, blue fluid and brown foam after cutting.

I called and spoke to the company. They are checking my lot number but everything seems to check out that i have the correct product. sure smells like steaming glycol or antifreeze to me when Im cutting.

To be honest that is why I say any chemical even made for plasma can’t be good for you. I have the pro ptable fill with water drain and discard. The only thing you are protecting is the slates they are a consumable anyway. I do hope everyone is wearing a respirator while cutting. Believe me I have seen many people suffer from black lung. It isn’t a way to go metal dust and chemical vapor isn’t any better. I also understand it isn’t that easy with the xr table but the pro is well under 20 gallons of water.


Hi Ken!
We use your fluid and would like to know if this is dangerous if our dogs ingested it.
They haven’t done so, but I’d like to know if we need to keep them away from any spillage in the shop?
