CrossFire PRO Shipping

I think it’s about logistics. Originally there would have been waves of people getting a weekly shipment of a complete Pro. That means they’d need storage capacity on-site for 1 week’s worth of stuff plus the room for the current week’s shipment of all components.

But the part issue they reported meant that they’d have all 4 or 8 weeks of initial orders stacked in their warehouse waiting for the reworked part from their sub. Then they’d have to ship all of them out at once (or more likely in stages).

Instead, by shipping the sub-assemblies they free up room in the warehouse for the next set of sub-assemblies. Then the last set includes the reworked part that caused the delay.

BTW, just got the notice they’re shipping my frame. I think I have the laptop stand waiting for me at home (got a notice from FedEx it was delivered).

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This response is exactly correct. The total weight of batch 1 is something like 100 tons. You can imagine the amount of space that occupies! Despite having about 16,000 square feet of warehouse space, we are looking forward to having our work spaces more efficiently set up after the main bulk of batch 1 inventory has been shipped.


i was just wondering why you couldnt put the bag of bolts in with the frame… there cant be that many bolts for it.

Theres two primary reasons why the hardware is not supplied in Box 1. First, the additional weight of the hardware box would have increased the dimensional weight of the box to beyond what UPS will ship via ground ( and freight is VERY expensive and requires lift-gate service charge if you don’t have a forklift on site).

Second, box 1 is tightly packed to prevent shifting and damage. There is simply no room left inside for a box large enough to fit all of the hardware.


fair enough. thanks for the clarification

Just got another update that they’ve shipped “box 3 of 3” - the water table.

Just leaves box 2 for me - the electronics.

That whole kid-at-Christmasbthing again…and I think I have to move a couple of things in the garage because I wasn’t originally planning to have them both online at the same time but am now planning an overlap period.


ah damn… we cant even assemble it until box 3 shows up?

I received tracking numbers for my lap top stand, and boxes 1 and 3 . I have already received my Razorweld plasma cutter. So I am still waiting for box 2 and THC. So excited, really looking forward to getting started … I am sure that I wont regret waiting on the pro instead of just getting the crossfire. A big Thank you to the guys at LS for the continued hard work . Sooo look forward to the result…

Update the laptop stand just arrived !!
As of Today 1/28 I received 1/1 and 1/3 one box remains I wont open anything till it is all here … cause in my shop that one piece you need to run will be the one i loose… lol


i think a lot of people got tracking numbers yesterday morning. yet as of 1pm today, they have yet to leave the warehouse. im guessing UPS is limited to maybe 12 -15 of these boxes per truck, given the weight is about 130 lbs each.

The first 135 box 1 packages have left our shop. We were supposed to have shipped the first 250 by the end of yesterday but had to make some tweaks to our packaging line slowed us down somewhat. We’re finishing about 60 Box 1 machines per day so the first 250 will be out by Thursday most likely. We plan to keep the box 1 line running essentially non-stop until all of batch 1 has shipped.

Approximately 160 Box 3’s (water table) have left our shop.


Thanks Daniel. This totally clarifies a few questions I emailed earlier regarding one of the two shipments having yet to get a UPS status update.

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I got my laptop stand and I think I received a notification of another package being shipped!

Ya we are cooking with gas now- i believe we just finished off the first 250 water table boxes and will hit 250 on box 1 mid day tomorrow.


i like the phrase, cooking with butter. to each their own.

i got my ups notice, you can say im pretty excited. now if only the hardware can hurry up and get here, well be set!

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Looks like my first couple boxes just got delivered! Frame and water table.

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And now the long wait for the rest!

Lucky! I received 2 tracking numbers Monday but only the frame box is in transit, my water table box is still yet to depart.

tracking shows my 2 boxes are coming Monday…


2 boxes waiting for me when I got home today! I can’t wait till the 3rd one gets here!


Recieved Frame and Water table today. Does anyone know if they have mention the Z Axis upgrade for the original Crossfire. I decided to keep it and add a Z Axis so I can do smaller jobs on it.