What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

Yeah, I bought some granular citrus 2 months ago and have not mixed any up yet. I’m gonna use up my vinegar and then try this type of solution. I bought “Spicey World” brand off Amazon.

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I gave the citric acid a go and quickly went back to vinegar.

What I seen may have been a mixture issue. It works great and quick.

Sometimes when I am doing things I will bath them until I am ready to finish them. Sometimes it can be close to a week.

What I noticed was a difficult to remove crust would settle and form on the metal. I usually have the parts suspended in the bath Not laying on the bottom.

You may want to what you mixture ratio.


This was the citrus mix? Why do you think mixture was the problem?

I began to think maybe I had it mixed to strong. The citric acid didn’t stay suspended in the water.

Best I can remember I mix a pound to pound and a half to 5 gallons of water…

It wasn’t horrible to get off just time. Then had to make sure no residue was left before powder.


I got this one painted up this afternoon. My brother will present it to the arm wrestling team this Saturday at their meet.


Sorry, I can’t delete this post tried to post pictures but don’t understand this cloud thing and also can’t seem to delete .

You can just drag or paste your image into your post:

Videos are not so easy. Basically, you need to upload those to a service like YouTube and then “share” the page link in your post. But, the way you shared it was okay as well. It just did not give any preview so they had to be downloaded and unzipped on our end. But they did come thru fine.

Nice project! That is a very good solution for using two tools in a single space.

Is that 1/2" plate on the top?


Thanks ChelanJim, not being able to preview it threw me off and I don’t know why they are zipped, how they got zipped or how to un zip them. and yes that is 1/2" on top. stand is 14 Ga. with 3/16" on top, under the 1/2" then 1/4" where it bolts to the floor.


This is why I use citric acid. Look at ElementalMaker’s video about EDTA as well.


Hey! I have a 3rd gen taco!

I have not tried your citric acid but you are right, that is rather impressive.

When you rinse off the citric acid, do you have a situation of the flash rust that happens with the vinegar?

Yea, if you don’t neutralize it quickly you’ll get some flash oxides. I keep either a water bath or water/baking soda bath (more ideal) nearby to help neutralize the acid.

I’m going to try the chelating mixture next time I do a batch of parts (100g citric to 40g Na2CO3 per L of H2o). I’ve played with EDTA 4Na, but if memory serves, it’s pretty slow.

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So I take it the top part spins?

EDTA? not sure what that means

Google is your friend… :rofl: :thinking:

Are you sure about that? :wink: :rofl:

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I thought this forum was my friend? Ok I will google it :angry:

EDTA = Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

WOW that’s a big word


My condolences


Yes, it does.

My next door neighbor has about 30-40 chickens right now. I owed him a favor for giving me a 30’ piece of oil well drill pipe for a flagpole.

Dog Creek Customs to the rescue. Going to let his kids paint it.