What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

Thanks, here’s a couple more for you. I used to live in Ouray.

But this is a Langmuir Forum, so I’ll stop here.


Had my very 1st show this past weekend, it was a great time having conversations with so many diverse individuals. I did not sell enough to break even, but my name and work is out there and hopes of custom orders coming in. I used a few things from fireshare, some laser work as well as some sublimation projects.


Man, that looks great.

One thing one of the veteran vendors clued me in on is put some inexpensive stuff up front so people aren’t scared off seeing larger expensive things first. Of course, have one or two more elaborate in view so capabilities are shown, but the small stuff is a definite grabber.

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Also, trying to have multiples in a “theme”. So riffing off the flower wheelbarrow one by having a pickup truck with pumpkins in the bed or a girl with the wheelbarrow or changing up what’s in the truck bed or wheelbarrow with other things. That way you catch folks who are interested in the general style but prefer an alternative specific item. I might not have a little boy but have a daughter and so might get a girl pushing the wheelbarrow instead.

It’s not really different than going to a bakery. They don’t have just one cake, one muffin, one loaf of bread, one donut to show what they can do. They have a few cakes or muffins or bread so someone who doesn’t like the blueberry muffin but likes banana nut muffins would have something to buy.


I added a splash guard to my controller.

When I was chasing FireControl freeze up issues, I dismounted my controller and stood it up on a shelf. I cut some new vent slits for heat to escape. I’ve been draping a cloth over it to make sure no table fluids got into the slits. Still need to paint it but it should do the job.

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You’re all making a lot of cool stuff. Can’t wait to finally get my system up and running. Been waiting for power company to come disconnect my service so I can upgrade to 200amp. Love all the bike pics
Uploading: 7C6BB868-6852-486E-8F91-CFA544EC7EAF.jpeg…. I ride red but it’s for sale. My bike days are done for awhile

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so I thought I would post a “little” something I did today…
Pretty impressed with the detail for the size…

it is cat tails for a sign I am doing…


Looks good there Glen. I think I would have tried 25/27 amps to cut back on some heat. A 0.8mm cutting tip is only rated to 30 amps so your trying to push it a little.


yup…just playing around a bit…

thanks for the support George…

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Was that with fine cut ?

I wrote in the picture the consumable size I used…0.8
I could have gone down to a 0.6…but would need to use my hand torch for that…

and just cut it freehand? :grinning:

I was gonna ask how you decided to cut at 75 ipm. My cut chart says 33 amps at 98 ipm. Just curios/trying to learn about why you slowed it to that pace with the same amperage.

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I’m sorry I saw .8 and thought pierce time. Skipped right over tip size. Sometimes I need flashing arrows to see things


getting old?..I know the feeling…

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so this is where you learn to tune in your machine…
as they were small I used scrap metal…and actually cut around 4 of them to get the quality I wanted…for that tip size…
each pass I adjusted 1 setting…only the speed…and I wrote down in my little black book the settings…
gonna play some more today…tune in some settings…


Why would you need to use the hand torch? 0.6mm/20 amp tips can be used on a machine torch.

never had good success with them on the machine torch for some reason…

Miller 625
I finally got the trees and fine line around the dogs face. Still green, but I also cut the back plate out using run from line because I was to lazy to run back in the house and make a new sketch. I have no internet in the shop. The cleanup, paint, assembly and hanging the bones off the bottom are on my friend. This was a freebie.


Pretty impressive work!

Thanks Don

I would rather be in the shop than watch my Packers loose anyway. Its even painful listening on the radio.