What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

Son is lineman so i made him simple lighted hitch a few months ago but he just installed for 4th of July.


Silverbeet …is Swiss Chard in Australia

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26" x 30" lighted sign for friends b-day.

michigan pic


Nice job Don. Tell your friend "RollTide":grin:


I finished up a sign for my nephew. Just wanted to pass along a tip for those using stick on LED backlighting.

I have been disappointed with the amount of light from the $16.00 LEDs. Found that by using a flap disk and roughing up the back plate, then clearcoat over that, I get a lot better light scatter and overall brightness.

In the dark garage:

With lights on:

You can see the swirl marks:


I’ll post dxf to fileshare later. spent about 15 mins on this last night and cut this morning. I need to fix eye paint later but no biggie. I normally don’t post my yard art because its rusty metal tools and normally has welding involved but this one is all cut and hand bend.


I nested 3 of them to fit on crossfire and just added to fileshare for others to enjoy!

Flamingo yard art | FireShare | Langmuir Systems


It would be kinda cool to scale a coup[le down and make some “kids”.


Don, I have a real blue heron that stands in the lake right outside my shop. I call him Eugene… He has like six wives that all have nests in the same tree. I’ll send you guys a picture of him . He is at least 10 years old.


All you have to do is change shape of the beak and paint and you could give him another wife.

He is a baby making machine. If any of the juveniles try to move in to his spot all hell breaks loose. You would think there was a murder going on… He does not take any crap . I sit on my golf cart and pull up next to him and talk. He seems to like me for some reason.


This is interesting to me so can you post non-lighted pic and rear pic of your ZL1 sign. I like to play with doing new stuff all the time.


Darn it! He picked it up last night and I don’t have a better pic.

What I did, which in hindsight might not have been best method, was to tilt my grinder at about 45 degrees and make sweeping, non-overlapping motions all the way across to basically make rows of brushed metal markings. He’s pretty particular about things looking nice and I was afraid if I went for a more random pattern it might look less attractive.

Next time, I think I’ll try to be less consistent/no pattern, hoping for more of a 360 degree scatter of the light.

Edit: I also tried the chrome spray paint and I feel the brushing of the metal diffused the light better. The chrome paint made more of a glare.

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Finished painting this one last night. I hate taping!


Don, I haven’t tried these yet but a guy on another site recommended them for better backlighting.

Rowlux Illusion Lenticular Films Samples - clear and colors (eplastics.com)

Sample Pack of Lighting Diffuser Panels (eplastics.com)


Irish sign is awesome!

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Thanks Don.

The school colors are Navy and Gold. The Navy is a little off, but the gold is pretty close.

Close enough that I think the guy I plan to give it to will be fine with it. He’s like Notre Dame’s #1 football fan. If you’ve seen the movie “Rudy”, then you’ve seen this guy. He wasn’t able to go there, but he would have been a definite walk-on candidate based on his HS career.


What do you two talk about?

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Dumb Boaters and Joe Biden!!! I’m going to send a picture of us. Fourth of July has sent him to the islands for now.


Hmmmmm, I would have guessed more bird related topics, or at least girls