What have you done on your CrossFire Pro Today?

Stop heating before you reach the colour you want and wait a second then it should creep up to the desired colour.


Thanks…i seen video on it the other day and the guy said start at bottom. I think i’m going to sandblast it prior to torching also. not sure if it matters


was my first attempt at heat coloring. cool thing i found was you can sand it back down and try again. got some really nice blues but this is going to take some practice.

added the fish to the fileshare…enjoy!
[walleye - fish | FireShare | Langmuir Systems]


Nice catch Don!

Thought you’d like to know, I liked the Harley sign so much I’ve made four of them. One for me, and three for friends who still own bikes. All 18 gauge. I set them up so the offset between the plates is adjustable. I’ve also ordered some neon rope lights.

I’m painting mine black background and clearcoat on the face. I liked the look of that clean steel after I wiped it down with 36% vinegar. I’ll post a better picture after paint dries and re-assembly.

I used super glue instead of welding the bolts because I didn’t want to discolor the face. Seems to be holding strong. Roughed it real good with flap wheel before gluing.


I have done several raw steel fronts you can certainly weld them the buff the discoloration out. Just Incase you ever need to have it welded .


Made this for my sister. She’s 68 years old and she adopted two miniature ponies from Humane Society. No comment.

Anyway, I am always teasing her about having a farm so I made this for her.



My white neon rope light is due tomorrow :grinning:


@Wsidr1 That looks great!

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I currently have a Crossfire Pro without THC that’s one year old. My plasma cutter is a Hypertherm 45XP and it’s about 3 years old. I have been on the fence if i want to move to new XR table and just get a new razorweld 45 also. This way i could sell my crossfire Pro with the hypertherm. My question is will i be happy with the Razorweld 45 compared to hypertherm 45? I’m hobbyist not a business but like the idea of cutting large signs.

@rat196426 might need to head north in a month

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I would keep the Hypertherm and sell the Pro without a plasma cutter.


Damned testosterone! We’re just victims of it.


Why upgrade if your a hobbyist.I have a pro with THC and a 45xp and see no reason to upgrade but thats just my perspective.If anything i would get a THC.

By the looks of your work, you have that Hypertherm dialed in. If you bought a Razorweld now, with your experience with the Hypertherm, any troubles you might have you will be kicking yourself. And then you will turn around and buy a new Hypertherm. I guess it would only be a $1100 mistake for the Razorweld.

Now if you are thinking about upgrading to the Hypertherm 65 SYNC then sell the package because you know the Hypertherm would be the lure for a quicker sale.

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i have hand torch on my hypertherm so i would have to at least change that out if going to XR. My table with hypertherm would be a much easier sale because thats why i purchased it. Guess i’ll continue to debate for another day.

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a honest opinion i have owned and still own both a rw45 and a ht65 both good machines for their purpose. you will be taking a step backward if you buy the rw45 and you will regret letting your ht45 go…

that is unless money isnt a option and you have the spare money to buy another Hypertherm machine.


Just the machine torch for my 45XP cost about $800 or $900 (shipping/tax). Can’t remember. I bought the unit with two hand torches. Never thought about the possibility of having something like this Langmuir system.

I had my wife try the hand torch to help her understand how difficult it was to make a quality cut. I had her all set up with a metal circle template. She ended up cutting through the template and then right through my Harbor freight welding table. It was an easy sell after that. Of course I am going to be plagued with honey-do projects forever!!! :slightly_smiling_face: :innocent:

You could buy a brand new Razorweld to add to the PRO table sale if the buyer’s offer is right.


Let me know when you get the XR Don, glad to give you a hand in assembling it. My XR has been trouble free so far.
I would keep your Hypertherm, purchase the machine torch and never look back.


Found some metallic Chestnut paint at Home Cheapo that i really am liking for these signs.


Don’t matter what color those look fantastic! Best motorcycles on earth

If adding lights do the battery LEDs with remote. cheap and last forever. i posted some light stand off for another guy a few weeks ago on fileshare. you can stick the lights behind front layer and drill a hidden hole so you can have the battery box in the rear of the sign.


Heat colored