Vipercut 30i What is going wrong here?

I agree with @jimt - Looks like low pressure at the cutter. Try bumping it up at the compressor so that it’s about 75psi at the cutter. Air is what becomes the plasma flame. Too little and it’s not as hot & concentrated as a proper setting.

Also, how far from the dessicant is the cutter (hose length)? You want to have it dry as close as possible.

Just my 2 cents here, but I really don’t think air is the problem. It looks to me to be a lack of power going where it’s needed. Either a ground and/or ground cable issue, or something inside the torch. I had a similar issue with my Miller, and it ended up being a loose snap ring that held the wires to the electrode inside the torch handle, thus limiting the amps to the tip. Id look in the torch for loose parts, and then the ground side of it.


I have not read all the posts and maybe this has been mentioned. I would try attaching the ground directly to the plate your cutting. Only because i see your using plain water in your tank, you maybe losing ground threw your table due to rust on waster bars. In my opinion it definitely looks like the power is not being transferred to ground the cutting your seeing is the pilot arc only then it times out thus plasma shuts down.


Ground was an early thought. Assured grounded well. I just want to know why . :thinking:

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At this point, if it was me, I would eliminate the crossfire and Mach by pulling out the plasma. Run the plasma by hand separate from everything else on some spare material. That would tell you for sure if it’s the plasma.

I am curious, what grade of aluminum are you working with?

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Torch delay tried it set at .5 and .15 doesn’t seem to matter… No matter what I do same result. I am about to go loco …

25’ hose compressor has 2 water traps, desiccant dryer and another trap at torch which is dry… I blow off before every cut through a vertical down blow off ball valve and re-cycle compressor.

@john543 will try that

I believe that the torch is only firing on the pilot arc- would not be surprised if there is a loose ground connecition in the torch. I would definetely contact Razorweld. Send them these thread, they will likely know the issue immediately.


@Mclovin I will look into this and get back. Awesome screen name by the way … LOL!

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@Hellbent thinking it is 6062 but not sure right now…

@langmuir-daniel RazorWeld contacted, waiting for response.

Will taking apart my torch void warranty?

Think I finally got it. Did a test cut with once used consumables from my last cut because I’m tired of wasting them. Thank you all for your help hopefully I’m not jumping the gun here but I re-grounded directly to my material, double check and make sure my air was dry and clean, 100 PSI at compressor 75 at torch cuts look a lot better, actually extremely better. Thanks again for all your help good forum good people. Really happy there wasn’t something wrong with my torch.


Looking alot better, Hope you have it all figured out so you can start having fun with it.

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Been having fun with it, just can’t figure out how/why everything went wrong. going to take some time this weekend to clean table, water and do some more tweaking. Thanks for your help @jimt & everyone else in this post! Means alot!


Not sure i was much help but your welcome all the same. I was thinking there was a chart but all im seeing is for the rw 45. I myself judge the amps and speed based on the complexaty of the project. Much rather grind some dross than have it ruined due to a tip up because i was going to fast to be able to grab something that tips up and the nozzle hit it and ruin it all. Happy cutting!

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The 45 chart can be used for the 30 by just either using the 30A and lower settings or using the higher power entries and extrapolating to the 30 - a setting for 45A would need the speed adjusted (slower) when using 30A instead. But at least all the 30A & lower powered settings should be directly useful.

So far i have only cut 14g and 16 g . So i havnt had any need for a chart. wow have i cut alot of metal up. Got 3 more sheets 16g tonight. Have 720 bucks in metal now lol.


I’m not keeping track. I’m afraid.

I spent $500 on my last material pickup :hushed:

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