Torch crashing into plate when starting cut

Having a real problem. Not sure what it is. I zero everything, and when I hit start, the THC Z axis just plunges down into the plate, no firing, lifting the entire y axis arm then errors out. I just cut something the other day and it was fine.

This plate is 3/16. It has milscale but its clean.
Test firing works fine
I clamped the ground to the piece, made no difference
I cleaned the table stands
Its metal to metal on everything

52I everlast
Simulating the cut in Fusion looks good

any Ideas?

Try a different program. Some small trinket you have saved. I take it back follow ds690 instructions.

It’s not the THC doing that. The IHS system is what controls the torch probing sequence to set the Z zero.

The code for the IHS sequence commands the Z axis to go down (up to 5") until the IHS switch opens. Then it raises until the switch closes and sets the Z zero.

Your IHS switch is not opening, which is why the Z keeps trying to drive the torch down. You need to investigate why that switch that is behind the Z carriage is not opening.

It’s not a broken wire, because you would get the IHS fail error if an IHS wire was disconnected.


Thank you!! It was a loose wire! I tighten it a bit, but how do you get anything in there to tighten the bolt? I used a small needle nose and held the screw somewhat. It will probably loosing up again.


I haven’t had to do it, but some people have drilled access holes through the back of the Z axis.

The proper way is to completely disassemble the Z axis.


Here is where I discussed doing that. I don’t know if it is the best way but I fixed mine:


Thanks again @ChelanJim @Bigdaddy2166 @ds690 for the quick response today. I was in a time crunch and you saved the day! It’s great to see the regulars and all the time you dedicate to this forum.


People like you make it worth it for us. You will be one of us soon! :wink:


It is our mission :muscle:… I new David was correct and got out of the way.
Happy cutting.