Torch Cover Fire

Anyone ever experience this on theirs? I know Langmuir sent out early on for the plastic covers over the rollers so this must be the same plastic? Was just finishing up a 1/2” plate nest when I noticed some flames. Once they started they got going fast glad I was there.

Mine got brittle and broke out mounting areas, I run without it. Easy to keep clean now and change out consumables without the guard.

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I abandoned my XR z axis carriage cover and fabricated a clip on shell to hold the led circuit board.

Here was my first version


this link has some more information

Here is the forth version

this link has some more information



I am running a Powermax 85 so I have a range of consumables to use and swap ping them out was a pain. Also I was cutting quite a bit of quarter 1/4 aluminum and the guard seemed to fill up with a flake aluminum mess.


Thanks everyone! I am looking forward to having easier access to the torch and not having an indicator light doesn’t bother me. One thing was concerned about was the potential for slag from initial pierces spattering onto the guide rails. Anyone notice this happen?

No, my XR gantry sits a lot higher than my crossfire pro gantry does and have no issues with it as well.

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Version 6 with Luddite centerfinder parking