Thc won’t fire in program

Just got Table last week. Set up was easy, everything went well. I’m running a Cutmaster82 without cnc interface. SL60 hand torch right now. Torch fires by hand and through fire control manual. Programs run with out THC on and cuts very nice. Straight cuts work as should. Downloaded a test file from the forum that Was posted by TinWhisperer. File also did not fire unless I manually fired it from fire control. It would however go to second cut and fire off and finish program.

Thc test come back good. All numbers were between 118v-121v. I tried moving pierce delay up and down with no change. I get no pilot arc just an immediate error message after the IHS. Parameters where all taking out of the Cutmaster82 manual. 40amp exposed tip, 75ipm feed, 0.19 standoff/cutheight, 0.2 pierce height, 70psi, pierce delay have set from 0.30(per manual, although FireControl requires .5) and even moved it to a full second where error message suggest it is too long.

Changed out to new electrode, startcartridge, and 40 amp tip that were Thermal Dynamic Brand. I even tried messing with the torch clamp to see if it was binding up things by being to tight in the torch holder or that the cup was to tight. No affect at all. Also followed the colorful flowchart that said THC was good. Looking for next move. Thank you in advance for any help.

Could my problem have anything to do with the ok to move torch commands with in the Cutmaster82 itself. I saw no mention in the Langmuir direction of needing to hook it up since I was hardwiring the torch and using the PIM.

My first cuts with THC turned off

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Thermal Dynamics plasma cutters have a safety feature that requires an extra 1.5 to 2 second(I can’t remember exactly) delay on the first pierce. Every pierce after that is immediate, so the file has to be edited to change just the first pierce delay to add that 1.5 to 2 seconds.

If you use Sheetcam, there is a modified post processor that adds the additional delay to the first pierce. It in the post processor library as “Firecontrol v1.6 TD mod retract”.

If you use Fusion, you will probably have to modify the code by opening it in Notepad and changing the first pierce delay.

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Thank you, I will try that tonight and post back the results. I am using fusion. I figured it is something simple that I lacked knowledge of.

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I too am curious if this works, as I have the exact setup you have.

@ds690 Thank you very much for your help. I set my delay to 1.3 seconds and it took care of the misfires. now I just need to go in and edit so only my first is long.

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Would you mind telling me what your first G4 line looks like? I’m new to g code and it is a bit confusing to me… Would it be G4 P1.3 for you 1.3 second delay?

The first G4 line would be G4 P1.3, if 1.3 seconds is long enough.

I tested the Sheetcam modified post processor and it adds a full 2 seconds to the programmed delay for the first pierce. Some testing may be necessary for you to find what works best for your machine.

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So my assumption is once I generate g code through fusion with Firecontrol post processor, I can edit the .nc file in notepad, first G4 line to P1.3 save file, open in Fire control and give it a try, correct?

Yes. Generate the file with the pierce delay that you want to use on all the subsequent pierces. Then open the .nc file in Notepad and modify the first G4 line and save. Then just open the file in Firecontrol and run it.

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Ok I’ll give it a shot. Thanks. And to original poster, sorry for the thread hijack, its just interesting we have same exact setup and same problem!

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@daemonjeep no worries I had same assumption but haven’t had time to check it.

I’m going to add @Macguyver to this conversation. He has had some good success with his thermal dynamics and maybe he could share some of his experience with you

Thanks for the add in @TinWhisperer but I’m not sure I can help as I’ve not had an issue like this nor has my friend in AZ. who’s table I set up. I run a Cutmaster 60iX w/cpc cable and his Cutmaster 58 using raw voltage but I don’t think he’s had much time to work with his(because of work). I’ve done a few multiple pierce cuts with my table and they worked perfect every time. I have set the pierce in the post with no additional changes to the g-code. I’ve also never set the pierce delay that long, .8 secs on 1/2" plate max.

Last thing I cut, this has 21 pierces.


Well that bit of information helped considerably. now we know that some thermal dynamic units behave completely different than others when it comes to pierce delay.

Saw blade looks good! that’s super high carbon steel sure cuts nice eh?

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Thanks and Yes, I’m super happy with it! :grinning:

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It appears they’re are 3 ways to wire up a Cutmaster. @Macguyver do you have the full automation circuit board or just the basic cable off the main board? I am tapped directly to torch switch wires with the supplied connectors in the crossfire pro kit. They way Langmuir set up is it leaves out “ok to move” circuit that is bout in to the Cutmaster82. A lot of the diy build kits seem to utilize this circuit some how. The owners manual shows the pin out fir it but I’m not savvy enough to figure it out.

@Macguyver @daemonjeep does your torch fit with bolts given? I have SL60 hand torch and had to use 1/4-20s I had because the stainless bolts it came with were to short.

@Duhicky I have an XR table using the SL100 machine torch and yes I installed the automation card. Look at this post. It explains how I used the “OK to Move” circuit too. Note…It does not work when using raw voltage.

If I remember correctly, I did have to acquire some longer stainless 1/4 20 socket head bolts. I have same torch SL60

@Macguyver Thank you that is great info. I have an SL100sv machine torch that I just received. I hope to get to hook up today. Do you recall what your THC was measuring during tests? I get 0v as I am not hooked into that circuit.
Hoping to make this all work without the automation card. I lucked into the Cutmaster82 for free and got the machine torch for half price used. The automation card is over $300 now. Hoping to not have to spend it just yet.