Thc won’t fire in program

If you are using raw voltage you can not go thru the "OK to Move " relay. It is only rated for 30 volts @ 1 amp. You would have to route the raw voltage thru a separate relay rated for up to 300 volts. You could power the relay thru the “OK to Move” but I don’t know where you could pull power to activate it when you needed the torch to fire.
The Cutmaster 60iX supplies 10-15 volts all the time for the pilot arc. The THC in FireControl sensed that and would not fire the torch. It needs to see 0 volts. I routed the 50:1 divided voltage (that’s what the THC senses) thru the “OK to Move” relay. That solved my problem.
My friends Cutmaster 58 does not have live voltage at the torch like my 60iX and I wired his in to raw voltage to the VIM box using the supplied banana plugs. We did some test cuts and didn’t have any issues.
I don’t know if the Cutmaster 82 has live volts all the time or not. You would need the check with a volt meter to know. Edit…I see you have 0 volts. You might have to bite the bullet and get the automation card. I have seen stand alone divided voltage cards but I have no idea if they would work with your Cm 82.

I hooked up the Machine torch SL100sv and set pierce delay to .05 and everything worked perfect. The thermal dynamics torch connection is call the ATC. there is a different pin out between them. Both have the PIP (parts in place) circuit for the consumables. However the SL100sv machine torch does not have the trigger switch pins 3 & 4 and instead has pins 7 & 8. I believe these activate the air solenoid that is on the torch. This seems to some how switch the need for the long pierce delay while running the machine torch. In addition to that with the raw voltage hook up as @Macguyver stated the “ok to move” circuit has no affect.
When I run the THC test with machine torch I get a very high reading. it was around 220v and the torch does not stay on but is like in a rapid fire mode during the live tests.

I’m not sure if the SL100sv will work without the automation card installed. I’m using the SL100 and the pin outs are the same as the hand torch. Also, Is your CM 82 set on “Rapid Auto Restart”? That would explain the rapid fire.

No it was on normal cut mode not rapid. Machine torch worked really well and didn’t have to adjust the first pierce time in the g-code. Which is a real pain on cuts that have long travels between pierces.

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My SL60 did not fit either. I removed 0.1" from all four faces on the mill and it works just fine now.

Was having the same problem with my Cutmaster 82. My lazy short-term workaround is to just tap the trigger on the torch starting the air flow. By the time I hit START in firecontrol the pre-flow has done its thing and all works at it should.

Torch didn’t fit the holder either so bored it true to size in the mill.

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