Downloaded the newest firecontrol and redownloaded the THC driver for Mac, same shit. Cut a bunch of small circles in 1/8” and kept an eye on the THC voltage, it stayed right where it needed to, so I went agead and setup a quick run of 1/4” parts. Makes a few small cuts then gets to a long cut and halfway around the part, the THC voltage just takes off and torch climbs during cut. I stopped it before it got out of hand and ruined another part.
Turned off the THC and just let the IHS set the height. Misfired a few more times with the genuine Hypertherm nozzle, switched back to the jack and dick nozzle from amazon and it ran the rest of these parts flawlessly. That’s all good and well for 1/4”, but this is really annoying having to babysit the machine and knowing that I can’t cut thinner material. It’s clearly something in the whip, because once the wires warm up a little, it acts up. And the evening before this started, it cut parts for almost 2 hours, non-stop, trouble free.
Going to post in a few spacebook groups first, but I have a machine torch in my cart with Bakers, think that’s my fix. Just be more careful in routing my torch lead.