[SOLVED] Cuts loose zero position and 300 ipm only jogs

I have smae issue with 2 laptops and my pavilion 21

Both laptops brand new. Same exact issues

Any chance USB cable is touching frame? Is laptop running on battery or plugged into power?

I have 4 cords, both lap tops fully charged not plugged in

Was thinking ground interference. USB could not touching frame?

Cords hang away

If my cables touch frame while running with plasma on never tried not it does funny things

Would you have a plug to eliminate the ground on your desktop?

Yes i do and i did the ls1 solder fix

Dang it seems to me it has to be software. Unless control box maybe grounded to the frame. Still think plasma would have to be on to cause a problem not sure.

New tables that’s not necessary

Should i unhook the box from table?

Not goin to hurt but like I said I think plasma would have to be running. I think I would video fire control and the table with sharpie. Send it to ls.

I will share this thread with langmuir customer support through my email

I did the reaponse was confirm my plasma cutter, i did that 6 times