Razorweld cut 45 issues (Solved)

So ive had my crossfirepro for a few months not, i had an issue with my machine torch not functioning correctly and burning theough consumables, and ultimately meleted the machine torch after a month, warranty replaced it, now im still having some of the same issues, sometimes i can run for a long time with no issues and sometimes like today it doesnt want to fire, ive researched and tried just about everything i can think of, new consumables, checking to make sure the cup isnt too tight, checking connections etc. So this brings me to my next point, i wanted to take apart my old machine torch to see why it had failed and i discovered this, the 2 spring pin wires are not connected to anything, and there is a black and yellow wire not connected to anything. Is that how they are supposed to be? I feel like im missing something.

Send us a photo of the torch installed on the machine.

Machine torch’s do not have a trigger so those wires are not needed. Also the Razorweld has no safety or parts in place so it does not need those wires at all.

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Ive tried a variety of consumables on the torch so far my best luck ive had are the razorweld consumables with a hand torch drag sheild, seems to keep the consumables cooler so they dont burn out as fast. But im still going through consumables faster than i would like. And i get intermittent issues where the machine will not fire or have a delayed fire. Sometimes after letting it sit for a bit its fine. Consumables ont always look bad either, and ive yested my theory by using consumables that have cooled and put them back in the torch and they work fine again.

Ok, that’s great. I was thinking that it was clamped on the barrel. You’re good there.

The first torch i had was clamped on the barrel then i read that i should move it, so i did that from the get go with my new torch. But im still having similar issues

I wonder if the torch is overheating. Do you have a good post flow? I don’t have a Razorweld, so I’m unsure about the torch. But make sure the plunger inside is not sticking.

Gotcha, also side note i did purchase consumables from you on ebay. However ive not had good luck with them, they dont seem to want to fire as well as some of the others ive purchased. The tip is a slightly different style from the others ive used. The ones i got from you are a straight to the tip the ones that seem to last longer have a step in them, not sure why that makes a difference, but its what ive observed so far

Has good post flow, plunger moves freely. When its warm it does not like to cut. So im not sure where to go from here, i almost want to upgrade to a hypertherm setup and see where that goes. Ive not had issues like this with hypertherm over the years at places ive worked, this is my first time trying the razorweld so im thinking its just not as great as i thought it would be

Well you never use a drag shield on a CNC table or torch, you use a CNC shield. And did you buy all the consumables or just the tips and electrodes?


Ive used the cnc sheilds and like i said ive had better luck with the drag sheils preserving the life of the consumables, i purchased electrodes, nozzles and a sheild from you, and using that setup i was having issues, i could sometimes get it to cut for a very short time and then back to the same issue. The only reason i tried the drag sheild was the hyperthem machine at my work had drag sheilds and would work great, the machine sheild didnt seem to work and would cause the machine to have the same issues as i was experiencing. Almost like the electrode gets caught in the swirl ring as well as the nozzle since they sometimes stick to it a bit rather than just falling out when taken apart. Im not saying there is anything wrong with the stuff i got from you, i just want to figure out why im having the issues that i am

First issue is if you are using a drag shield the torch has to drag on the metal to work properly. That is not the way a CNC is setup to work. And you keep mixing consumables that will never get you were you need to be.


But using the reccomended consumables still has the same issue with the machine sheild. So i get what you are saying however im still having issues. Example: i used the consumables i got from you with the sheild i got from you, and had the same result. I dont think im having necessarily a consumables issue but rather a torch or machine issue. Its not conssitant enough to pin point it to consumables since it does the same thing accross different manufacturers.

Could your issue be air quality? Can you snap a picture of a used electrode and nozzle?

Air should be 90 to 120 to the plasma cutter. The gauge on the plasma cutter should read 70 to 75 and not drop below 60 when cutting.

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I have a filter/dryer these were new today cut for a short time and then stopped working

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I have 150 going to the plasma, plasma reads 75. Not sure on what it is while cutting, but i can check

I Do not see anything wrong with that cutting tip or electrode. This tells be it something else. Air pressure, swirl ring, or a bad plasma cutter. Even the odds of having 2 bad chinese torch’s are slim. By the way what do you have your pierce delay set at?


Pierce delay is .06 im cutting 11g.

I tried a new swirl ring today and it didnt effect it.its around 60-62 psi while cutting.