Razorweld 45 cnc machine torch info

So, I get a lot of PM’s about this and have NO issue helping folks out so I can’t find all my old stuff, so if you guys can find MY personal threads link them for me.

Let’s start with once I got it going it has been a beast -5 to 120 in the goat shed…hope to solve my frozen watertable cuts this spring.

Yup…goat shed remodel V2.0 :crazy_face:

So the razorweld machine torch (attached to a cnc razorweld plasma cutter)as delivered to a bunch of folks could possible have issued…like not working.

So 1st thing is to look at torch end

See them 4 pins :thinking:

Technically you only need 2 off them, just make sure they are in correct spots…now I only took 1 extra wire loose…DO NOT TAKE BOTH EXTRA WIRES LOOSE, UNLESS YOU CUT AND INSULATE THEM…note reason later down below

Soapbox off.

See the end piece to the right with grips? 1/8 twist left takes it loose.

Now lightly pull back and up, cover comes off!

Now see that #1 Phillips screw? Take it loose and rest of cover slides back and down on cover.

So pull the yellow wire back and out, post will stay.
Fold it back so you can tuck it in, nothing for it to ground on so you are safe :+1:

Safe :thinking:…read this…

Read this…yes video is long but it shows it firing not even hooked up

Lose yellow wire

Leave #6 black in there. It’s not hurting anything.

Plus if you have yellow and black you need to make sure they can’t touch, cut them and shrink wrap will void warranty I am sure

Both reds will be 1 and 9

Put her back together and test.

If it says arc voltage lost or ?

Turn off the THC…if that fixes it you need to look into other things I can add to this.


Hey i have some questions related to this topic i think. We have a titanium 45 plasma cutter. we purchased this machine torch. After doing research it was supposed to work with our machine. the euro plug is the only match. our machine torch only has pins 1-9
Harbor freight uses
pins 1-2 trigger
pins5-6 pilot arc
pins8-9 cup safety

we jumped the safety inside our machine got rid of that issue but we are not sure what is needed to get this torch to fire correctly. Any help would be appreciated i know this isn’t a razor weld machine we just need to understand what the requirements are for this thing to fire.

Using an Ohmeter, check for continuity from the tip of the nozzle to both pin 1 & pin 9 of your connector. If they are connected to both then probably pins 1 & 9 are your pilot arc and should be moved to pins 5 & 6 of the connector.

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I checked the ohms you were correct it was my piot arc. i moved the pins plugged in the machine and it through a code when i tried to fire it. Codes says electrode and nozzel stuck together

Are you sure you jumped the correct signals?

Did you try to manually move the electrode? Maybe it is stuck. How is the torch mounted? Clamping it on the lower portion of the torch will bind the movement and could wreck your torch.

See Machine torch mount causing beveled cuts and how to fix it - #5 by mechanic416

Gosh,been awhile, not sure about your setup. Like tom said, its a playing thing with a multi meter to figure out what is what.

If you figure it out you can add it to this thread to help others in the future

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Thank you for the info and things to check. I traced the wires back from the head of the HF torch to where they are in the machine. That is how i found which wires to jump to get rid of the safety. It also cleared that error code as soon as i did it. I have moved the electrode a lot in hopes that was the problem. No luck. I adjusted the mount on the torch. It is funny how there was no info on that when buying the torch. Glad you told me.

What signals do you normally need for the machine to operate on a cnc table. I know our langmuir controller is wired into are machine to initiate the firing of machine. From my understanding you need 2 pins for pilot arc as well as 2 pins for the the trigger and 2 pins for the parts in place safety. How does a machine torch function with only 2 pins as it came from razorweld?

You don’t need any pins for the trigger on a machine torch. It gets triggered inside the power unit.

A Razorweld only needs pilot arc as the controller takes care of the trigger if its wired correctly. Also the Razorweld has no safety on a machine torch.

I love it when people bypass safety’s and then start handling the torch with the power on. They end up in the ER with really bad burns or even missing some fingers.


hmm curious what the issue is then. I have the 2 pins on the razorweld machine torch in the locations for the pilot arc in our machine. I am curious when i open the machine torche both those pins are wired to a single wire. Is that normal for pilot arc in a torch

Also i had the machine unplugged for 15 mins before touching the wiring inside as well i have not touched any wiring on the torch or played with it while its plugged in. I have read all to much peoples torch firing off on their own. I mount it every time before i tunr the machine on

Yes. They are high current sense lines, hence two of them to provide a reliable connection.

Your second comment wasn’t a well formed question so I have no idea if or what you’re asking.

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If the torch doesn’t fire from the keyboard then you may have it wired wrong from the plasma cutter to the controller.