PSA: MR-1 Spindle Issue

Hey all,

@langmuir-jake (MR-1 tech support engineer) brought to my attention last week that he is seeing an uptick in spindle bearing failures in the field. He was able to get back a couple of spindles which experienced bearing failures and disassembled them. He found that the shaft diameters that the bearings press on were out of tolerance (oversized) leading to excessive bearing preload and premature failure. We suspect that these defective spindle assemblies are from a recent batch from our spindle supplier.

If your spindle has this issue, please reach out to customer support and we will send you a new spindle block assembly along with an RMA label to get yours back.

For all new orders, we’re running the spindles for longer in our shop and monitoring spindle temp rise. If temp rise is outside of tolerance, we set it aside for rework. The goal is to prevent any potentially defective spindle assembly from reaching our customers.

Apologies to any that are experiencing issues, we’re working diligently to get out in front of it.


Do you have a serial number range that this batch of suspected spindles fall into? So at least we can check against our machines and have some idea of whether it might happen to us or not?