I received my CrossFire Pro about 3 weeks ago and have it together and ran the breaking program. Everything worked great so I downloaded a ready to cut file from here and it also did great. My problem is when I make my own file on fusion 360 and post process it says successfully made but every time I try and load it in FireControl it says it won’t load because I need the latest Langmuir approved post processor. I’m more of a mechanical guy than a computer guy lol. Any help would be appreciated tremendously. This is driving me insane Thank you
You need to download the post processor and load it in Fusion then follow the software workflow provided by Langmuir
Download page
Instructions for posting a file in fusion 360 (starts at A4)
You’ll need to download the post processor for Fusion 360 from the sport the page.
Go down to step A5 on this list
This topic also has a little bit info
And welcome to the forum @Keithvw
@72Pony you beat me to it by 10 seconds. Lol
That’s because you took the time to gather all the visual aids… and as usual your post had more detail! Ill keep trying.
@72Pony Thank you but still the same problem. I must be doing something wrong. Building street rods is a lot easier than this computer stuff I guess
Don’t give up, you will get it.
Were you able to download the post processor?
@Keithvw check out this topic. one of the link is a walkthrough video.
@TinWhisperer @72Pony Thank you guys for your help. I was using a Mac but bought a Windows laptop and didn’t have an issue afterwards. I’m sure I’m going to have a lot more questions when I have a chance to play with this machine more( work is a bitch sometimes and takes all my time).
I hear you on that! I’m hoping to work myself out of work so I can take a break.
Glad you got it up and running!
I empathize with work taking up all your time. My average time leaving the office this week has been after midnight. Its been a month since I have had a change to get any shop time. I have one more big deadline next Friday then hoping for a chance to take a breath and work some normal hours.
wow…my average time leaving work is …welll…never…I am retired…so I am at work all the time now…hehehehe