Pro Water table fluid management

These shipping delays have given me time to do a little “extra preparing”.

I’ve compiled a setup that was inspired by existing designs from a few different folks here with there standard Crossfire setups. All in, I believe this setup may have cost $70 including the tank.

I’ll be bending up some thin sheet stainless tomorrow to create small “hold downs” which I will tig-tack down for little Scotchbrite squares to use as filtration over the drain openings.

The actual tank arrives tomorrow, so I’ll post a follow up photo with the fittings installed on it then.

I utilized commercial sprinkler components in addition to the tank.

Here are the photos, if anyone is interested in specifics, please let me know and I will get part numbers together and such.

3/4” M thread x 1” barbed 90° fitting for connection at table. Rubber sealing gaskets and 3/4” conduit rings to secure them to table opening.

Table seal connection.

1” Tee joins the tables and runs forward to just inside frame edge where it turns left to drop down to tank fill orifice.

1” ball valve to 1 1/2” M thread x 1” barb connection at tank. (1” lateral pipe to join table pipe not shown, will be cut and positioned after table is assembled.

1/2” Ball valve to vent tank while draining water tables.

Air regulator connection for pushing fluid to fill tables at controlled pace.


Yes, please part numbers and links…will plastic ball valves last you think…or will it be a cheap consumable?

How did you do all that plus tank for $70?
I cant find a 25/30 gallon tank for less than that?

Can you post links and such?


Why not just drain and clean once a week? With that much lip around the drain you will probably have close to a gallon of water in the bottom of the tray once you drain it.

Ok I did all the math and this would run you $95. It was just the cost of the tank and regulator for me as I have all these sprinkler components in my possession.

I’m hoping with the Scotchbrite filtering ,the amount of abrasives will be minimal and in the event a ball valve does deteriorate, these are about $5.

I only run 5.5 gallons in my standard Crossfire table because it gets pretty messy around the table if I run more, so I went with a 13 gallon tank for my Pro water table setup.


Sprinkler Fittings:
Qty 2: 3/4" male thread x 1" barb 90º

Qty 2: 1"x1" barb 90º

Qty 1: 1"x1"x1" Tee

Qty 1: 1 1/2"x 1" PVC Bushing

Qty 1: 1" male thread x 1" barb 90º

Qty 2: 1" male thread x 1" barb

Qty 2: 1" female thread PVC Ball valve

Qty 10’: 1" Poly pipe
$.41 per foot

Air Regulator

Qty 1: 3/4" Conduit Locknuts (4pk)

Qty 2: 1 1/4" rubber washer

Husky Ball Valve

That is kind of my plan, this setup will just make the drain and clean a little quicker. If I find that the “stick-up” of the drain is cumbersome, I will modify that connection but for this initial setup, I want to really focus on consistency in materials without modifying the actual hole opening.

I imagine, I will ultimately, make the drain hole larger so I can use a nearly flush 1 1/4" drain in it.

Okay thanks,

The pro has 2 drains so looks like 2 sink drains will be needed as well as valving to fill each side up? How tall is the divider lip

The lip is only 5/8” tall so both connections will cooperate during fill.

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Tank arrived, mockup is out of control, admittedly.


What is the capacity of the water tank?

This one is 13 gallons. I’ll be running 12 in the table.

I like the bottom shelf you’ve made up

Do you have a dimple die ? That would fix your stick up problem

I plan on turning a die set to use with my harbor freight hydraulic knock out punch set. Maybe if someone else wants the dies we can set up a forum thread and just start mailing them from person to person? A quick set of low cycle life aluminum dies should work for a bunch of people. Would anyone be interested?


A dimple die would fix the stick-up problem, but it would also get rid of the flat sealing surface that those bulkhead style fittings need to seal. Use a dimple die to create a downward flare, then weld on a big hose barb.

I may have ran into some dumb luck here… I ordered a set of Hammer Fab’s “Flat-Recess” Dimple Dies for a 55 Suburban I’m building and it looks like the largest in the set may have about a greater than 1" diameter shoulder which would work perfect here.

If it is indeed greater than 1" diameter, my only struggle will be drawing uniformly. I ordered the 4-piece kit. They offer 1 size larger that I may end up getting if the largest in the 4pc kit isn’t big enough.

They arrive tomorrow so I’ll know soon enough.

To be totally honest, If I end up running the plumbing as is with the 1/4" stick up, it won’t bother me. I really just did this to make cleaning the bulk of the waste out easier.


Thread hyjack …4wd? Love those old girls, if 4wd who?

Sorry :goat:, she’s 2wd and on air ride with black steelies with chrome domes. If I had two the other would be 4wd tho! Actually, I do have a 51 GMC Panel from a farm that someone put on a late 70’s 4wd chassis. It’s scary.

Just an update, all I did was use a broader shoulder though thinner rubber gasket on top and shave the protruded end of the inlet fitting so it’s flush with the conduit nut… got the “stick up” to .172” which is fine with me, my original Crossfire OEM setup is at .145” “stick up”.


Cool…I love my ole chevy cars…this is …Marilyn…she is sexy…

Only pic I have of her on my phone.

Does the seal work okay with emt style threads and gaskets

On the edit…how do the budget eastwood tools work for a once a month need?