Pro Table Build Pics

Those have even better P100 rated filters. Good for both covid-19 and petroleum products!


Seems we are in the middle of a Goverment contest. What Agency can do the stupidest thing.

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I don’t understand something, if y’all are selling Razorweld plasma cutters with your systems as a package where is the support for the older cutters y’all sold without the CPC port? Yes I know I need the raw voltage pigtails, but I think its BS that y’all don’t show the wiring schematics of that cutter at minimum a picture of the wiring with the Identification. I can understand the CYA on other plasma cutters but not on the ones you actually sell. I only bought the Razorweld because it was part of your system, I wanted to avoid exactly what’s happening now, which is having to deal with another company that did not agree with all this splicing and drilling of their machine. The whole ask a professional electrician if you are unsure is ridiculous. Now you are suggesting drilling hole(s) through the aluminum housing to install these pigtails because of creating a weak point in the wiring. The Razorweld45 has become a giant expensive paperweight which Langmuir does not support the specifics of the installation procedure, but offer it as a package deal.

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Have you even looked on the Langmuir website under support and clicked on “crossfire assembly” ? It explains how to wire up your plasma cutter, and they are using your plasma cutter in the example. They can’t say a specific wire color because all of the wires are black. If using a multimeter is something you don’t know how to use or are not comfortable using, then yes… you need to hire a professional to wire up your plasma cutter. I don’t think it’s very fair to come at Langmuir like they are doing something wrong, when they are going above and beyond to make the whole process of getting everyone up and running as simple as possible. Have you used the search function on the forum? Guarantee you there are multiple threads explaining how to wire up the plasms cutter. I think your getting frustrated at yourself and just wanting to take it out on Langmuir rather then doing a little research


Especially since if he’s got a non-CPC port RW he’s upgrading and now thinks Langmuir should have thought a year or two ago how they might need to wire it in the future for a table they weren’t even making yet.

I was impressed that they got RW to agree that opening it up to add the RAW wiring would not void the RW warranty. Most manufacturers will void warranties if you break them open.

No drilling is needed either. I ran my RW connection wires through a slot in the front grille. Not an electrician, but reasonably handy with wiring. And I can read. :wink:


James glad you respond to that thread and not when I ask you a few recent questions lol…

I was waiting for someone like you to jump on, but you have no idea of what has gone wrong and you are just making assumptions on what I have and haven’t done. And far as James comments about looking forward a year or two later on a non CPC Razorweld45, they should have especially provided help for those. Instead of being part being part of the problem with your virtue signaling be part of the solution oneupper

Not sure what you mean by someone like me? Someone who’s competent enough to search the forum or ask a question instead of pointing the finger at Langmuir? How about this, what issues are you having and we will see if it is something that Langmuir has already covered or someone else on the forum has?

Must have missed that post. Whatcha looking for?

I checked on how you are doing, and how are the knives, did you ever do any Kydex for them.

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Someone as competent as you missed the fact that I asked about the wiring, I even mentioned that they do not have support for wiring the machine they sold, wasn’t referring to another machine, others have already expressed the same issues. So again, show me where in the forum does it show the wiring schematics, since Langmuir doesn’t support it, since you are the competent person and all

My God…

Sorry if it’s out of order. This is pulled directly off of the Langmuir website. It is was thousands of others have used to wire up their plasma cutters. I honestly don’t think it could get any easier…


So why doesn’t it say on the install instructions to follow these instructions when wiring the raw voltage pigtails for the HTC, or my lack of competence missed it.

Are you all set for the RAW wiring or do you want me to open mine up & put some pics together?

Wiring into raw voltage can be deadly if performed incorrectly. We purposely omit any specific instructions for this process because if a customer is not 100% qualified to perform this work, they will need to contract it out to a qualified professional. When done correctly, the use of raw voltage can be used safely with the LS-THC module.

We cannot accept the liability of unqualified individuals performing this work and we also can’t rely on folks following any instructions that we make for this process without errors. We know it’s frustrating but we hop you understand!


I will email you when I get home, I am at that stage

That’s completely understandable, and I can accept that, I wish there was better support or ownership of the machine you have chosen to partner up with, That’s the only reason I bought that cutter.

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Thats great! But that’s not what I am looking for, or else it would say on the install instructions to follow these instructions when wiring the raw voltage pigtails for the HTC… My incompetence must be rubbing off on you.

Here’s where I’m at… Come on Langmuir send out the rest.