PRO Electronics, Software and THC Upgrade

FireCAM won’t be ready in January unfortunately. We don’t currently have a release date- but I believe 2020 is a strong possibility.

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Yes, FireControl can be set to metric.

Oh boy. I felt like I had a decent handle on Mach 3 and I purchased the full version for my crossfire. New software… hmm

You guys are awesome!

Also might be a challenge given early iPad’s lack of interface (no USB port, etc.) But it’s an intriguing thought for the future.

Well said - I no longer need to compose documents in Volkswriter or spreadsheets in SuperCalc, with good reason. Progress and innovation rarely occur without some growing pains, and I applaud Langmuir for their vision. Can’t wait!

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I did jump the gun there with seeing IOS when it said Mac OS. What i’d really like to know is if there will be any pendant solution with Firecontrol.

Good stuff! Lots of action since I saw the announcement.

I too would like to see post processor for Vectric V-Carve and Aspire, but am excited to try FireControl as well.


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It seems that there are several of us.

That seems to be a pretty expensive software. Is it worth the money?

Could you clarify on your word choice for “majority”. Just curious if you have a percentage of batch one customers you expect not to receive product by January. If you expect any delays, I would like to know in order to shift some jobs around.
Thank you


It’s been over a week, I haven’t seen the Mach 3 refund yet…is there an ETA on that?


Received mine a couple of days ago. I had great luck with customer service on another issue, so if it doesn’t show up soon, just give them a call.

We are on a pretty good path to getting all of the batch 1 machines out in January and we are going to do our best to make sure that it happens.


I may just retire and spend all my time making things :yum:


The refund process is kind of tedious and has to be done for each order manually. I believe the team refunded about half last week, so the other half should happen this week.

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Will fire control be released before the table so we can play with it ?

Yes it will, but likely not too far in advance.

Any idea when the software release might be? Potential ETA?

Kudos to you and your team for taking on the effort to develop new software. I know from personal experience that software development not a trivial thing to do, so know that at least some of us appreciate your efforts!

I’m looking forward to test driving the new software once Langmuir feels it’s ready for release. Thanks guys!