PRO Electronics, Software and THC Upgrade

Yeah because it’s not like Mach has a problem dealing with fractional seconds of pierce delay or something.

…Oh, wait…:yum:


What are the computer requirements minimum and/or recommend for both systems (windows & Mac)?

Can you manually enter a step jog or is it only limited to the increments listed on the screen shots? Can you manually override the feedrates by entering whatever number or only limited to a percentage override

I’m in batch 2 and will gladly take the spot of one of the people in batch 1 that say they are going to cancel their order. I was very excited to see the changes.


You list Mac OS as a supported operating system. Is there going to be a way to run in IOS directly from an I pad? I think an old I pad would make a great control/pendant.


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I would replace the buttons for jog mode and speed with a couple of slider controls - cleaner, more modern design and frees up some room on the UI screen for potentially something else (like rotation or scale controls :slight_smile: ). Even if there are fixed presets for the settings, a slider could “snap to” those values but then it’s 1 UI row vs the 5 button rows.

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You list IOS as a supported operating system. Is there going to be a way to run directly from an I pad? I think an old I pad would make a great control/pendant.

Where did you read IOS?
This is from the first post:

Cross-Platform - Compatibility with Windows and Mac OS. Linux coming soon!

IOS != Mac OS

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Edited. But, I’m sure LS would have understood what I was getting at.

Christmas in January. That’s very exciting stuff that I wasn’t expecting. Keep it coming.

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I am green to the cnc plasma tables the Pro will be my first. I like the new software plan …are you going to do your own cam software as well ? … and how will the new software effect the projects that I have been collecting via fireshare and from the Facebook file share ? … and will we be able to add e stops and fault stops to the hardware ? I am not a fan of fusion 360 there has to be an easier program out there to learn …
I would love to be able to use the files from my vinyl cutter …(eps format) And one more question are you going to automatically refund for the Mach 3 or do i need to request it ?

Throwing my hat in for Vectric’s Cut2D software. I’ve been using Cut2D and Mach3 for 13+ years. It would be great not having to buy Sheetcam if a Cut2D post would be possible.

From what I can see of the G-code on the FireControl screen. The reason Mach3 will not work is Mach3 uses G31 probing Cycle. Langmuir FireControl uses G38.2 and G38.4 probing Cycle. Linux and GRBL uses the same. The H0 could be the Tool #.

H0 and H1 are custom modal codes. After an H0, FireControl has direct control over the Z motor via g code. After than H1, the THC has control.

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That makes sense. If those guys who have lots of Mach3 Gcode files.They may be able to Edit them for
FireControl. I was glad to hear of the New Controller software. Thanks

I have a vinyl cutter and use Flexi Sign. If you have Flexi you can export as .dxf. I had my buddy post some files in sheetcam and cut on his plasma table and my files worked perfect

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I have an older version of Flexi , I will check that out when I get home .

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@woodenwagon We’ve had a software engineer working for the past 6 months on our own proprietary CAM software specifically for plasma (FireCAM). This way, folks can use any 2D CAD or vector art program they prefer and import the file into our CAM software for creating cut programs. The new CAM software that we’re working on will integrate into FireControl once it’s ready so that you can tab between the two pieces of software for quick editing of program parameters and re-posting right at the machine. Our engineers have years of experience working with the various CNC plasma CAD/CAM softwares and workflows and FireCAM is being designed to be the most user friendly piece of software for CNC Plasma. Below is a working screenshot of our new software that is still very much in development mode but I thought I would share with everyone since the topic has been brought up. We hope to have this software released in a FireControl update at some point next year!


I look forward to it ! from what I can tell you are a stand up company … I hope that it continues … I look forward to receiving my Pro … The shop has a nice hole waiting for it … And the software looks great , I hope that you continue to embrace your patrons with their ideas to improve your product. I have been watching several videos on youtube and some of the modifications really make good sense . So cost being a factor why not make it , so these modifications can be done by the patron using aftermarket parts (E Stops ,micro switches , water tanks, etc.) . I look forward to the future… Thank You

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Great news! Was not looking forward to working with Mach3 on account of the GUI. And with MacOS support you just saved me buying a PC dedicated to the table!
Kinda feels like winning the lottery!


Really happy to see you guys evolving! Too bad about all the hate cant please everyone :roll_eyes: