PRO Electronics, Software and THC Upgrade

I dont care about the color, more like bought a gas car and they’re sending us a diesel. Genuinely concerned here.

I am not a fan of Mach3 by any means, but its rock solid, just works, and support by everyone. I do have concerns about it going forward…but I’ve had those same concerns for 5 years now and still no issues. This is in a production shop where the CNC is an integral tool.

I had a buddy who went w/ one of those little cheap CNC machines to tinker with, asked me to help get it going for him. It had some awful proprietary control software, so my opinion here is colored a bit by that.

I also vote for a Vetric post processor. This would make life so easy for us woodworkers getting into metal!


I also would like to see it for Aspire.


Thanks for the explanation Mike. I too would like a post-processor for Vectric V-Carve!!


This is awesome, and the best move @langmuirsystems could make to better the end product.

Those complaining and arguing about what ifs, really need to rethink life in general and realize that those what ifs were there no matter what.


Hi Chad! Last saw you in England.

A few months ago, I was using Jimmy Diresta’s plasma cutter, and kind-of got hooked - so I was pretty happy when the langmuir guys came out with this.

And, in all honesty, it’s pretty easy to put together a post processor for it I’m sure, I just wanted to let the langmuir guys know that it’s a really commonly used toolchain for a lot of us.

Rich (Loen.Design)

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@rpierce7123 @ManCrafting @geoffsteppler We’ve gotten pretty good at editing post processors; we will definitely look to adding these before machines ship out in January!


Awesome. You have made my day. I bought one of the first crossfires but just could not handle learning Fusion360 and Mach 3.

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You guys rock! I for one appreciate your ingenuity and effort. It looks to me that Firesource will make small tasks a whole lot simpler, and I have more confidence that the THC will work seamlessly. Based upon what you have already demonstrated with the Crossfire I have little doubt that your support of the new control system will be great. Keep it up!


Thanks for the update, I use Mach3 for my mill and it works the majority of the time flawlessly… the other few times I curse away! I based my purchase partly off of running the Pro with Mach3, but we would have never been able to send things into space, the moon, mars, and into realms of our outer solar systems without risk. You have my money, I say take the risks and show me the best you can do! It’s time to kick the tires and light the fire!!! January is just around the corner…


This news is a relief to me, As stated above Mach 3 is dead software. I was not excited about having to use it. Thanks Langmuir for pushing a better product. By the way if we didn’t download the full Mach 3 version yet do we get a refund or is that being applied toward the new software?


You had me at “Mac Compatibility”. :call_me_hand:t3:

Well done LS team.


Love it! What plasma machine was used in the video? Will there be a cut chart? Mach3 great program, had its day, good move.:+1:

The Mac compatibility also caught my eye… I was shopping for what kind of windows machine I was going to get, now that is one less decision and cost I have to worry about in the process.


The Razorweld Cut 45 with the X45 torch that we sell directly from our webstore was used in both videos! Razorweld does not have an manufacturer’s cut chart, but there is a version made by our customers that gets updated consistently on the forum.

Will a Fusion 360 post processor be readily available for your new software/controls?

We intend to have both a Fusion 360 and a SheetCAM post processor available upon launch!


@Greg9504 did you just ask me who fixes bugs on a software that’s been up and running for 20+ years? Lol. You just compared a Day 1 software to Mach3? :man_facepalming:

Any time frame for the linux version of the software?

Mach 4 is released but it has conditions and it is not free!