Machine Torch interference with Large Thumbscrew - ! PICS!

Hi All,

Trying to finish up the last few details on my CrossFirePRO assembly and seem to be getting tripped up on simple stuff today.

I bought the RazorWeld Plasma with the machine torch upgrade from Langmuir but the body of the torch seems to be too large of a diameter and it is striking the large thumbwheel and is preventing me from tightening the upper and lower clamps that lock the torch to the Z-Axis fixture.

Is the thumbscrew only supposed to be used for the hand torch configuration? Seems like it would work perfectly for that… maybe I missed the instruction where a standard cap screw is substituted when the machine torch is used? Or maybe the machine torch is a newer, fatter diameter than no longer works with the Langmuir clamping system?

Happy for any feedback if you can see what I’m doing wrong in these photos. Thanks!


There should be a machine screw in with that kit to replace the thumb screw with.

That’s what I did anyhow, maybe it wasn’t in with the kit?


OK cool.

There are quite a few “sidebar” instructions when you install upgrades, so I may have just missed a step along the way… I’ve got lots of little bags of parts and small wire harnesses that are unused. I’m sure I can find something that will work.

Really trying to get this thing far enough along that I can run the “break in” routine and get a little video clip of that… I’ve been working on this since mid-September and may finally be approaching the finish line!!



You should not have any extra parts, You should double check as you may have trouble later on if something got left out!

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You are also mounting the torch wrong.


Where did that torch instruction come from? I have been going through the Langmuir online instructions pretty carefully (jumping via embedded hyperlinks to sub-assemblies and software downloads) but don’t recall ever seeing that image…


Here’s a related topic from back in the day. I’m not sure if there’s any formal instructions for some reason I think I saw a picture once showing an exploded view with the bolt thru in that hole? It could have just been my memory making up things which it has a habit of doing. Easy solve anyhow. Under the support section on the main page they should definitely include add-on instructions.

You won’t find this on any of the Langmuir, Razorweld, or a lot of other instructions.

We learned this back in the 80’s.

This comes with every CNC torch I sell to help buyers from making the same mistake I see made on here almost everyday when mounting a CNC torch.