Limit Switch Availability

Since were getting close to being up and running figured it doesn’t hurt to ask.


limit switch for what?

The Crossfire Pro. Sorry, should have clarified. When the Crossfire Pro was released it was mentioned limit switches would be available from langmuir at some point.

The next few months should be interesting. The evolution of the Crossfire Pro both from the company and the new owners

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@drhyed @GMfab

We designed the electronics board to support limit switch functionality and we also have an Expansion port on the Electronics Enclosure to support the addition of future add-ons for the PRO.

We can’t say much for now but we just ask that you stay tuned!


Hey Mike,

Curious if any further progress was made on us having the ability to add limit switches?


Is their any more information available on limit switches?


Interested in this as well! I’d like to add limit switches and a magnetic breakaway to mine when I assemble it.

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How about now? :smiley:


Now, if Cletus had bought a Pro, we’d all have the instructions! ( Still not smart enough to figure it out on my own though)


Yeah. Any updates?
Since you have released the CROSSFIRE XR, are you done figuring it out!

How about now? Its only been 18 months

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I’m betting on the feature being released in a FireControl update to coincide with XR shipping. Seems logical.


I really dont have much room to talk, my crossfire pro might have sat unassembled for quite some time until last week… maybe

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ditto on setting unassembled. Almost done now.

I’m ready to connect the limits to the board. Is there a pinout available to show where they connect? I’ll worry about software later. Having the hard connections done would be nice.

there are pinouts on the board but aren’t available for use since they haven’t been implemented in firecontrol yet. until that happens, there’s no point.

I’m really disappointed to hear this. I’ve already installed the switches, brackets and wires. Before I did the work I asked @langmuirsystems if there was a place to connect limit switches and the reply was “YES”. Does anyone know if interrupting a pin on the stepper motor drive would cause a serious issue… ie a component burnup? My next idea would be to shut the drive down or suspend axis movement until I could shut the program down and manually reset the limit. If this is possible I will elaborate more.

While there absolutely are pinouts to connect limit switches to the Gen 2 electronics, there are a few other complications.

Currently, our plan is to put out a datasheet describing the limit switch capability for Gen 2 Machines sometime in a ~month from now and also be releasing a plug-and-play kit that can be purchased directly from us soon after that.

Firmware and software updates also need to be released to accommodate limits but these changes will be ready and/or released by that time.


You can go ahead and take my money for the plug and play now! (I am familiar with and have NO problem with “Pre-sales” at LS!)

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