First actual part! It’s a bottle opener. You can see it shifted over about .008 when I flipped it. Not sure what cause it, but I made some adjustments to the tram in-between the first op and second op while I waited for the 3D printed soft jaws. (Took several test prints and days to get them right. Lol)
You know I love brackets!
Thanks sr71xjet, I’ll give it a try.
How does it work for knifemaking? Looking to get one of these so I can get some production style blades passively made while I work on the custom stuff.
I’m not a knifemaker, but I don’t think it would be totally passive - you would at least have two setups, on for each side, and you’d likely need to make a jig (likely a jig per knife design) to cradle the work on the second side. Maybe more than one setup per side if your clamps are in the way, although there are probably creative ways around that
Probably you’d have more than one op per side, meaning you will need to manually switch tools between roughing, finishing, and possibly drilling.
If that fits your definition of passive, then yes, I expect it will suit your needs.
My idea of passive is to set up a fixture/bit - go work on something else - come back in an hour or two - swap out tools/fixtures - go back to other project for another hour or two - etc - etc. Does that sound like what I would be getting into? Don’t want something I need to babysit, just something that will work while I am.
I must say after looking at the amount of that it takes to build this I see why they have not shipped any out yet .The set up along with the other problems you have in the build shipping is going to be a massive undertaking.i was down to get my MR1 2022 December and I just got mine and my James came and set it up for me mad love for this guy
Good luck with this
Needed a 2" crows foot. Machined a 2" crows foot. First time cutting steel on the machine. Went surprisingly well. Still have a lot to learn. Don’t mind the hole in the jaw, dang operator wasn’t paying attention when he oriented his stock!
I’ve been making specialty tools and repairing equipment with mine for the last 3 weeks.
It hasn’t paid for itself yet, but at this rate it won’t take very long!
This is the first time using mine in 3 weeks . For personal use only until I can get better with the CAM side of things. I’m still struggling with the op 2 programming
How are the SMW fixture/vises working out
For me they are great. No complains so far. But I think somebody in the forum was complaining about loosing grip on tall pieces.
I have not had issue with my parts, but they are not that tall.
I’m starting to get the hang of them and overall pretty satisfied. The biggest thing for me has been making sure to really think about cutting forces when setting up the cam. If there’s anything I’m usure about I cut my feeds to 50% before i start the program, then dial up from there if it sounds good to the ear
I’ve been referencing to this and still find its a little aggressive in some cases. I’m sure its something I’m doing but its been a good starting point
No it’s not you. It’s pretty aggressive for what this machine is capable of and it excludes things like chip load and surface speed which are the most helpful metrics for tuning cutting conditions.
Langmuir’s speed and feeds are something I’d use if I was making a bunch of YouTube videos to demo the machines cutting abilities and didn’t care about surface finish or tool life.
Just because this machine can cut at 100ipm doesn’t mean it should. I have to tune my cutting conditions for where my spindles sweet spot is because otherwise it vibrates too much and kills small tools faster than normal.
Especially with the spindle in the lower position.
I use their numbers as a baseline and adjust to what sounds good and runs good on the machine. Normally I end up around the bottom end of their recommended feedrate, give or take for getting good chip thinning and the like.
For some tools I just use the manufacturer’s recommendation as long as it isn’t assuming I have the tool chucked up in a CAT50 machine