Lets see what's being made on MR-1!

Ok guys with functioning machines. Give those of us still building and waiting on machines something to look at. What are you machining simple or complicated lets see it.

Weeb knife for a friend.

Just getting some reps in before I start making folders again. My version is mastercam isn’t supported for posting to CC, so I’m also having to dip a toe into fusion and learning as I go.


Nice . Thanks for posting

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From this:

To this:

To this:


Linear rail/ ball nut mount. Aluminum

Replacement gland for a pump. Mild steel


Damn thats small. Cute little pistol.

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How many opps on the linear rail mount? How long did it take if you dont mind me asking

Awesome parts thanks for sharing! Pinning this topic so that we can see more cool stuff made on MR-1 by the community!


Man that is some nice work!!! They look awesome!!

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Too many lol. I am new to Cam, it is the first part I made on the machine besides a quick tool that I mainly made manually. I did a lot better with the gland plate.

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Made a tophat for one of my cars. It took a few tries to get all the tool paths dialed in, but I’m quite happy with it now. Maybe a few minor changes left. Overall, very happy with the mill and the abilities it opens up


Beautiful part! Need more content like this. Posting straight to Instagram! :rofl:

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Testing accuracy to the .001 as I continue to dial in machine and get into work flows and build muscle memory.

1/8 inch end mill will hust barely give you enough clearance between nubs to make a Lego.


Aluminum legos. That could be fun. Hate to srep on them in the middle of the night


Having it attached to a piece of 12in bar stock would make a nice impression on a forehead if you needed an improvised lego mace.

If I didnt live in Ca a new scratch built AR15 lower made with lego nubs everywhere would be a thing already.


Made a Bulkhead plate to house 5 16an lines for my BMW E92 drift car. 3 are for the dry sump oiling system and 2 are for the coolant lines since its a rear mount radiator setup.


Did you make the motor plate too?

Yes sir. That was made in a shapeoko believe it or not haha

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That bulkhead plate is very nice! How about a pic of the whole motor plate?

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