Just bought a Crossfire Pro, what should I start studyiing?

I did mine with tube frame with wood fo the surface, both ways should be fine.

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I think I’m about halfway done with the assembly now, I’m at the step where I install the motors.

I’m hoping to try a cut tomorrow, we’ll see how it goes. So far though there haven’t been any snags, the instructions and orderly packaging are top tier. I chose not to weld the water table because I was concerned with warping, since the slats are mounted in the water table a warped water table could cause a warped work surface. Turns out I need to insulate the water table because my plasma cutter is more than 45 amps (Cut60) so before I get started tomorrow I need to buy some ceramic tiles. They said you can use ceramic tiles or line it with rubber but rubber doesn’t sound like a good option. Anyhow, it’s been a long night and it’s time to turn in so I can finish this up tomorrow.


I didn’t weld my water table, I just used silicone sealant from my work (Mazda). Never had it leak on me


I run a hypertherm 65 no issues. Just make sure water pan is full


You don’t need to insulate your table unless you intend to cut really thick material a lot at that high amperage setting. I welded my table seam together with no problems of warping. I did warp it trying to weld in the drains though but it has no real impact on the operation of the table except the draining.

Put water in it and start simple!

It’s a lot of fun!

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You’d have to warp the pan pretty badly to affect the slats. The pan gets screwed to the frame and the slat holders sit on top of the part that is screwed down. The slats themselves sit about a half inch above the pan.


Yeah that’s a good point, this is the kind of obvious stuff you miss when you’re working late and start getting punchy…


Believe me I over thought every step of the project. It’s a non precision tool that I treated like I was building a CNC mill! It’s also how crazy fast it goes from looking like a piece of lab equipment to a dirty shop tool!

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This is a great test piece when you get fed up with the F Bomb


@Cletus did us a favor making this one available.

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Works great for my shop, so just had to share :beers:

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I ran the breakin program, didn’t have it fully zeroed to the bottom left corner first so it bound up in the top right corner. Hit stop and started over with no issues. Now I need to fill the table with water and plasma green but first gotta double check the drain plugs and make sure they are tight. Also the FireShare is not working for me, won’t let me log in or download.

You are logged in and commenting here so I believe that means you are logged into fireshare as well?

I just clicked over to fireshare and was able to download… wasn’t required to login to fire share other than being logged on here.

Are you getting some type of error? Maybe a setting on your PC security?

the break in program was downloaded from fireshare correct?

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The breakin program was downloaded from Langmuir’s main site, I was getting error 500 something went wrong. Finished filling the table with plasma green, no leaks that I can see yet. I’ll try FireShare again from this page.

It’s still telling me I need to log in.


Okay I couldn’t remember, I know I have also seen the break in programs on fire share as well.

Sounds good I think it should work for you from here.

Remember when browsing fireshare to choose wisely… lots of great stuff on there but some of it does require a little touch up.

When I try to register (it says it doesn’t recognize my email or password) an account it throws Error 500 something went wrong. This blows.

That seems strange.

As I recall the user and password for support can be different from the forum but I’m pretty sure they are the same for fireshare and the forum.

You need to register in fireshare, its separate from forum.

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Try downloading something without logging in

Okay thanks for the clarification. I knew some of them were separate