trust me they know way more then any of us even have a clue
It’s google voice assistant and the Facebook app on the cell phone. It’s in their TOS. The only one that doesn’t send everything to a server is apple Siri, it processes everything on the device. That’s why it’s so limited compared to the other platforms.
What’s everyone use for cleaning up aluminum edges after cutting. They’re like 80% perfect but especially the holes and corners need cleaned up. Hate hitting it with a disc because I have to do the whole thing to make it match. Wish I could get just the edge and leave the mill finish
If it’s not too rough, I use a deburring tool. The bigger chunks come off with needle nose pliers and/or a file.
A round 2" flapper wheel mounted in an air-die grinder works great. I use several sizes, from 1/2 tootsie roll to 3/4, 1, and 1-1/2 inch flappers.
Get some bee’s wax bars and just run the flapper on it for a second, and it will cut aluminum dross like butter.
Edges and holes only😎
The bee’s wax has a high melting point. As long as your shop doesn’t get over 100° or so, it will stay in block form
Just a little on any sanding disc will keep them from clogging up. They also cut aluminum much faster.
Just make sure you clean the part with solvent before you try to paint it.
The Beeswax Co Pure Texas Beeswax Block - Ultra Clean - Naturally Filtered & Honey Scented - Premium Food Grade Yellow Beeswax For Candles, Butcher Blocks, Etc - Organic Bees Wax Bars - 1lb
BHA Aluminum Oxide Shank Mounted Flap Wheels, 2” x 1” x 1/4”, 60 Grit - 5 Pack
I looked at the hardware store and all they had for beeswax was a paste liquid finish. I might have to order some. My biggest culprit was some topside dross only in 1 direction of travel. At first it was just chipping it off with my knife, but then I tried one of those little yellow finger diamond wire brush things(whatever the name is) for the roloc on the die grinder. Actually worked pretty good without affecting the finish too bad. For the holes I just turned the drill press slow with a chamfer bit and pushed the parts into it. Worked decent, still feel like I have room to improve on my aluminum workflow. I really need to finish my electric/hydraulic conversion for the press brake. This air hydraulic stuff is slow and I want limit switches. Worked good though. Bends all came out pretty good. The real MVP of the day was the magnetic brake square from genuine metal works. I got one batch of the hoppers bent. I wasn’t gonna have enough rivets to do all of them so I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon playing in the sandbox with the kiddos.
I ended up tweaking the design a bit to get more clearance around the depth control lever on the planter. Definitely makes it fit better. Worth the lost time for a redesign.
Very nice job. Beeswax on Amazon. The Beeswax Co Pure Texas Beeswax Block - Ultra Clean - Naturally Filtered & Honey Scented - Premium Food Grade Yellow Beeswax For Candles, Butcher Blocks, Etc - Organic Bees Wax Bars - 1lb
Ordered, thanks!
We’ve got a John Deere riding mower at our RC Club Flying field, we’re talking about a bolt-on conversion to first control it with RC, with the ultimate goal to then go fully autonomous with a Pixhawk controller. We could then just map out the field with GPS way-points and just turn that sucker loose. I am now working on designing all the brackets and linkages necessary for mounting the servos etc. The electronics part should not be too much of a challenge as we have lots of experience building autonomous model aircraft, drones, etc.
The new water-table reservoir tank outside the shop is working great. Floods table in 1.5min with auto level shutoff, drains in 3min. external tank tops-up automatically via the solenoid valve. All sediment sinks to the sump area below the bilge pump, there’s a big magnet submerged to help that along. every flood is nice clean blue liquid. Why simple, when you can complicate the crap out of it?
Now if you could balance the flow so it was constantly flushing the table with cool water.
@Cletus Wow. This is pretty creative. I dig it.
Thank you @Langmuir-Nick
Cleatus, your attention to detail is great. Everything is professionally labeled with industrial switching.
I smile every time I see one of your projects.
You guys are too kind, thank you!
Especially if you’re dragging them across the kitchen floor!
Hahahahahahah!! …guess I not gonna live that one down!