It's been awhile. Post those projects!

Ouch… I was thinking more like $1800…

Ordered the part from Grizzly and it arrived today. This little machine works great!
The seller on Amazon has also shipped a whole new replacement machine :rofl:


Plasma cut then bent on my new, little blue machine! :rofl:
Got a bunch of these little anchor points and hangers to churn out for an installation we’re doing. Easy picking now! :rofl:


My solution for that challenge, perfect for around my shop at present:


What did you do, cut them shorter?

I considered that, but opted to make a shortened set from scrap tubing and bought two steel casters. Given enough bourbon and power tools, all things are possible! :tumbler_glass: :rofl::rofl:

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“Gootenteit” …Nothing like a good press-fit on a Sunday morning :smile:


Well this escalated rather quickly :grin:

It started out as a few fill ins to of course get as much out of a sheet as I can. My wife wanted some marker stakes for the garden. Needless to say a friend saw them and the rest is history!!

Only problem with this plasma table is it’s keeping me too busy to work on some of the other stuff I want to do. So starting today we’re taking some time off from cutting. Figure it’s time to do a little maintenance/cleanup/readjusting on the table anyway!


Designed a motor mount for my buddy’s powered paraglider (we’re converting from fossel-fuel to electric). This is a 16g concept prototype for test fitting and development purposes only. The actual will be cut in 1/4" 6061 aluminum once were happy with the design.
Motor is a MP15470 30kw Brushless DC, producing 132-lbs thrust with a 51" Carbon Fiber prop.


New toy in the workshop (2200 lbs capacity):


Getting ready to pull the trigger on this bad-boy, with all the whistles and bells :smile:


holly %$^%$*& Batman…how in the hell are you gonna tell your wife…???..

Are you kidding? This guy hauls in $100/hr using tools like this!
Of course, those are TT $… ($100TT$ ~= $15USD) :rofl:

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not far off the Canadian dollar…:open_mouth:

I started dropping hints last week! :rofl:
Shipping from Coraopolis, PA to Miami, FL is US$500 Shipping from Miami Florida to Trindad is US$270 …No duty, 12% local tax, brokerage fees and transport.
Factory across the street will lend me their forklift to get it off the truck into my garage. Once uncrated, my cherry picker will get it off the pallet and onto a delrin skid i will build. The table will have to come off to clear doorways. Then its a straight shot from the garage via kitchen, laundry and into the shop. Will use a 12v winch mounted on the skid and a floor mounted anchor point in the shop to drag it through and over the porcelain tiles which will have some soapy water thereon, hence the delrin skids. Once in the shop, the cherry-picker will be used to pick it up off the skids and inch it into final position.
That’s the plan! :nerd_face::rofl::rofl:


When I have to move heavy stuff I use 2" sch 40 pvc pipe to roll it any were I need it to go.

Egyptian style! :rofl:

@cletus…you have to yake some pictures of it in the kitchen and laundry room…if not for history…but for the rest of us to show our wives we are not as crazy as some of the others out there…


Amen to that for sure :rofl::+1:

Didn’t you know? George was lead engineer on the building of the Pyramids! Quite a story there…

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