It's been awhile. Post those projects!

A buddy of mine (young guy) now starting out, got himself an XR and a Laser Welder. He just finished setting them up, can’t wait to go over there and play with them toys. Have to find him a couple of Nitrogen bottles to feed that Laser. Our shops will compliment each other business wise… hell yeah, I certainly have a problem!!! :crazy_face: :rofl:


No problem here I have it figured out😎. That’s what I tell my wife everytime. Then she spends just as much and says the same.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Laser welder, oh my!

so my wife is a BIG golfer and travels for golf a couple of times a year…our deal is what ever she spends on golf trips I get to spend 1/2 on tools…even at 1/2 I still have a surplus of funds available for those “needed” tools…lol…


Sounds like a very equitable arrangement!

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The kit has just arrived, so I guess the weekend is off to an early start!

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I missed it, what kit is arriving?

The FireControl THC upgrade kit.

I made some fixtures to make crossfire parts using my MR-1


OMG!! of the most high tech guys here is finnally brining his table out of the stone age…lol…

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Need HELP!
Everything works except I got a defective THC Output Voltage Cable. Both conductors prove open end to end. Can someone check continuity on their cable for me please? does Pin 1 on the locking connector go to center or shield on the other connector? image

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Pin #1 to inside of barrel.

Great! Thank you so much! I was just able to cobble something together. That works! …now to neaten it up some.
I informed support@ Langmuir hopefully they’ll send me a replacement cable, but at least I have something that works.


Ok, first cut went sweet once i figured out the “500ms Pierce Delay” thing! So now I go in and add 500ms to all my tools’ pierce delay :beers: :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I don’t think you have to add that to all of them. That is just close to the minimum fire control needs. I have used as low as .4 sec


Ok, great! …I’ll just tweak em as necessary, thanks.

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Will pack away the tools and clean the shop tomorrow. :beers: :rofl:


so…what do you think of FireControl?

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Been burning out brackets left and right for this new planter. Needed a mount for a height switch to control the rate controller for my liquid application. Turned out pretty decent, just gotta wait for the gold flake Deere paint to dry