It's been awhile. Post those projects!

Rookie mistake :rofl:

Now is that a metric or “ole mechanic” form of measurement? :upside_down_face:

No worries, I found it!


It shouldn’t matter IFF your lines are vertically aligned with the torch. They will cross at the center of the torch.


It changes because its shining down on a angle.

Very nice…great for any index cutting

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The tilt of the line is on the plane formed by the light and torch. Since the light is projecting a line, and the light is vertically oriented the same as the torch, the line will always be on the same plane, no matter what the height is (ignoring focus, which will just widen the line). The same is true with the other light, so the two lines will always intersect directly under the center of the torch.

If the lights were projecting a single beam, it would be true that the intersection would be at a single height and would show two beams at other heights. That is why they are lines. The line centers move, but the intersection point doesn’t.


Ok so I have one light that makes two lines. That must be the reason.

I have not used it in a long time I will have to double check it. I know I was concerned with them moving over time, but never used them long enough to know.

I vaguely remember when my table looked as clean as that! :crazy_face: :rofl: :beers:


Indeed it is! The intersection is essentially a fixed spot. Very tricky to setup and, as you point out, it only works at one height.


3D sorry been out of town

Got a new Deere 1775 planter for this year and needed a way to apply liquid insecticide. Wasn’t too happy with the options out there so I had to whip up my own. Cut from 14g stainless. Just waiting on some grommets from McMaster to keep the hose from rubbing.


Have you cut much stainless? that looks like it came out very good.
Did you use compressed air, or a different gas?

Nice job, those look really good!

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Just in house way of making grommets with 3d printer.


Nice, make package and market that as an aftermarket accessory :beers:

That’s a great way to do it, but a pack of 25 was 10 bucks from McMaster. :sunglasses:

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I used to cut a bunch of 14g stainless for local law enforcement making tourniquet holders but haven’t done much in awhile. That might have been with the ole razorweld 45 too. Just straight shop air. It’s got a little bevel but not bad. They were pretty clean off the table but I ran each one over the belt sander to knock down the gnarly stainless dross. I’ve cut some 10g stainless too and I think it cuts much better than the 14g.

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I’ve thought about it, it’s just hard to find the time from the rest of the farm to make stuff for other people. If I were to do it, I’d farm them out to a laser shop and just do the bending.

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Well! …I’m making the switch from Mach3 to FireControl. The upgrade kit should be here on Friday so it promises to be a fun weekend. One of the things I have going on with Mach3 is a Solid State relay that energizes when I click “RESET”, this activates the extractor fan adjacent to the table, and therefore no possibility of me burning metal without extraction. No such output with FireControl. So, today I built an interface to Opto-Couple the “torch-fire relay” to an external 555 “one-shot” timer (~120-Seconds) this in turn energizes my fan’s solid state relay. Should pretty much produce the same results I think. This also activates the two line-lasers, so I’ve retained the button to manually trigger the timer as well.


555 - old school.

Did you learn TTL from the 70s digital bible?


Yup, I have a drawer full of them NE555 chips, I love them!

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Hi my name is toolboy and I am a Langmuir owner…
