It's been awhile. Post those projects!

Am I seeing that right, it’s got a gas engine for power? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Got me this here rig too (Vevor PortaBand Saw with a Harbor Freight Hercules Horizontal/Vertical Stand) and a foot-switch, sits real nice on the workbench, fab-table and welding table, really like it! …Vevor has impressive stuff at very competitive prices :beers:


Ok I zoomed in and now I see it a motor. :face_with_monocle:

Oh, you were serious? …Hahahaha! The aluminum bottle is the water reservoir for the mist cooling. :beers:


Cut quality question for the plasma masters.

I was making 4 more of these plates this afternoon.

I’m cutting the perimeter in clockwise direction.

The top horizontal cut, left to right, has near zero dross.

The bottom horizontal cut, right to left, has thick dross that difficult to remove.

Both sides clean up easily. Any ideas what causes this thick buildup on one side only? This was consistent on the flats I cut today. Thanks.

Is it the first or last side being cut in the program?

Try regenerator the G-code with the starting positioning out the outside cut 180deg from its current position.

Cable stack holding the z up a light too far when cut that edge?

Looks like slow speed dross a little. Does the torch speed slow for this last face? which would be odd.

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Its in the middle.

Cuts were in the center of table.

No, same speed. I’m cutting a few more parts today and will try a few things.

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I agree… I have noticed in the past, after a slow down at a corner my torch stays at the lower speed on the following long straight cut. I cant remember what the resolution was. Not very helpful… I know. But next time you cut watch the actual torch speed readout on fire control and verify you are at your anticipated program speed.

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Changing consumables dramatically improved the dross situation. Doh, I hang my head in shame.


I recently bought 2 fume extractors at auction and fixed one up to sell. Came out pretty nice.


The funnel Cone Piece was drew by the one and only DonP. In return I am sending him some cookies I burn, didn’t feel like I should give them to my friends I see regularly.

Anyways Thank you @DonP

P.S. Jim I know you will look at my deleted post, I had it the wrong area.


That came out really nice!

I appreciate you not posting that on the what have you done with your pro thread… I was just about to call you out for not being a pro owner…

Jk :nerd_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Cowboy wall hanger with hidden mounting screws.

Here is DXF for the cowboy but you’ll need to figure out what hangers you want to use. I’m sure you can buy them cheap or make out of thicker metal.

Cowboy wall hanger.dxf (445.2 KB)


Don does your printer have a duty cycle? or a life expectancy? :thinking:

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I won’t have a printing farm but I can see how others can make money doing it. I’ll be first one buying the XL size printer now.


Atleast you got to bypass the earlier fdm printers lol.


Used shaper trace and then cleaned things up in fusion360. Worked amazingly well going from a hand drawing to reality.


Wanted to experiment with layers wall art and I think I like the results so will see how creative I can get. Going to wrap this on a wood shadowbox I think.
It’s 8 layers of 22ga, daughter painted each layer one solid color and stacked them.


Nice work.

Used the file share : Miniature Weld Table 21" x 21" | FireShare | Langmuir Systems

Made it so the whole thing and slats would all it on a single 4x4 1/8” sheet. Worked really well. Also followed the recommendations people listed in the forums and it cut very well without any testing which isn’t the smartest but worked out well.

The poster of this remix stated the holes aren’t big enough and they are correct. I should have went up just a pinch on the holes but I can drill them out. I’m planning on taking these two tops and making a drop in table stand so I can weld off the ground.