Since my motion control box does not mount to the table, I need to extend my IHC cable about 6 - 8 feet. If OK to do so what cable extension do I need? Also is the motion control box near 220 volt conduit an issue?
Does anyone know the name and size of the connector on the IHC cable so I can either order or make an extension cable? Thanks
This help?
and this one for an Amazon link
Those do not appear to be the cables I am referring to. I have attached images of the cable end and the motion control box connector.
I believe they are GX12 series connectors
Why not just reuse the one you have and run new cable or splice in an extension?
I may have to but was looking for the easiest solution.
I went ahead and spliced in about 7 feet of cable. Thanks for the suggestion. I forgot that the IHC cable was unpluggable.