I know LS is pulling all-nighters trying to get everything shipped but, a while back, FireCAM was mentioned and I am really looking forward to seeing it. Seems like a purpose built piece of software that will make my life easier.
Any happy updates?
Any updates on FireCAM? Thanks.
Any updates on FireCam?
It wasn’t me this time Danny! (although, …limit switches?)
Any updates on FireCam?
It is still under development, as soon as a beta version is ready for testing we will all here about it on the forums.
I’ll believe it when I see it. I have a feeling that the new & shiny gets all the attention at Langmuir - not that I blame them I guess, but that’s certainly the reality. Any old ideas seem to have just died forever in the halls of the company in my view.
For instance, the Linux port of Fire Control would be a fantastic improved option, but I’m certain now that pipe dream has been binned and burned long ago. Unfortunate.
I’d love to see fire control for Windows XP.
Are you at LEAST running XP64?
I’m hoping for something between Inkscape/Sheet am and Fusion. I’ll most likely stay with Inkscape for artwork etc but it would be sweet to have an alternative to Fusion for dimensional work
FreeCad works well for me. I just export the sketch as DXF and run it through Sheetcam.