High power driver failure

For those of you that have the high power drivers, has anyone had a failure yet. I think i might have just had one. Turned machine on today and went to home it. Machine started making hopping/chatter noises during y movement. Noticed the y2 screw was not smooth and sporadic. Disconnected the y2 motor from its mount and disconnected the y1 cable from machine. Gave a “Y” movement command and the y2 motor does not turn. It just sits there and vibrates. So, did the same thing for the Y1 motor and it moves fine. So I’m thinking possibly a bad motor. Being that i have an Aircraft maintenance background, i swapped the y2 cable to the y1 input on the control box and the y1 cable too the y2 input on the control box. The y2 motor turns now and the y1 motor does not turn now and does the same thing the y2 was doing. Got the be the high power driver I’m thinking.

i havent, but i did pick up an extra one on amazon just incase lol

Amazon huh. Same exact one…got the link?

This is the exact one. Sorry that your having trouble. Langmuir will surely warrantee one.

If you can’t get one quick. I have a spare I can send you fast.


Im sure they will. Been talking to Jake so hopefully will get a replacement soon. probably need to get a spare driver and motor.

I did… It’s always good to have critical parts on hand. But if it is backordered or something I will overnight it to Memphis.

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yup. I agree. probably need to get collet spare as well.

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how many hours on the machine?

25 maybe. not much

Well, turns out it was a bad 4 slot wire terminal(green) that was the culprit. 1 of 4 wires popped out. Turns out the terminal was bad from the factory. It felt tight but was not tightening all the way. Kudos to Jake, they are sending me out a new terminal block.


Which one did u get on Amazon? I was not able to find an exact clone? Any link?

The large driver is a CWD860H. You can find them on AliExpress and sometimes Amazon.

There are much better stepper drives available more easily and for less money. I switched to Leadshine EM542S which are $50 each from Automation Direct. They run silently, keep the motors cooler, and don’t have the resonance of the stock drivers. There are cheaper Leadshine drivers like the DM542T that might also work. Amazon has those branded as StepperOnline for $21. I can’t say it’ll be an improvement because I haven’t used it, but I bet it will be.


Anybody find the stepper motors on amazon…id like to get a spare one of those too.

You can get it from Langmuir. This way it has the cable connected to it. They do not
Mark up their parts very much.

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Alex are there any big differences between the EM542S and Langmuirs? Are the dipswitches all set the same and easy bolt in?

It’s pretty easy to swap in, but you need to swap the pins around if you have the “small” drivers (TB6600). Langmuir documents the pin swap because you need to do it going from “small” to “large” drivers.

Otherwise you need to pick max motor amps and make sure that the microstepping is set to the same setting (1600) for it all to work. Also make sure the driver is switched for 5V signaling (Leadshine has them defaulted to 24v).

Hi guys, I apologize for not understanding this but is CWD860H the actual updated driver that Langmuir sells?
The reason I ask is I found them on ALI for $35 plus $20 to ship. Says they are the same thing and will have them in 14 days. Now I don’t have them yet but I thought I would try for $150 and see what happens. If they work, I will be happy and get a few spares. What sucks is you have to buy them 1 at a time and if you try to buy 3 together the shipping is like 250$.

CWD860H Stepper motor Driver 0-7.2A 60-110vDC / 40-80vAC for Nema34 motor Digital stepping driver - AliExpress

That is the product code that was on mine.

There are better stepper drivers available more quickly if you are going to upgrade. I’m using Leadshine EM542, but there are a lot of options out there.


Would you mind sharing wiring and pin settings for the 542 stepper driver? Wound these be wired following the same instruction for the high power driver swap in the langmuir manual?